Monday, March 10, 2025


Frustrated With Memorial Park Graffiti

Editor, I am very sorry to report a disturbing incident that I came upon late Friday afternoon. As I took my dog Marley for our usual walk through Memorial Park we came upon a tree close beside the path that had been tagged with fluorescent pink paint. YOUR MOM. Terrific! I thought. Further up the path towards the campground, to the...

Concern About Proposed Development

Editor, With regard to the SkyDev proposal, there have been extremely well presented objections raised and I wish to keep my own opinions brief and to the point. There is no competent town or city planner in the developed world who would propose a development even one-quarter of the intended size of the SkyDev project at the end of two relatively...

Reader Proud of Community Response to Proposed Development

To the Editor, I was extremely proud of my fellow citizens last Monday night, May 17, at the virtual meeting concerning the official plan and the Skydev proposal. Good people of this town waited literally hours in order to voice their strongest opposition to this particular proposal or any others like it. Concerning growth, all living things on this planet grow...

BWDSB Letter to Minister Lecce Regarding Return to School

Dear Minister Lecce: On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we are reaching out to express our support for a Grey Bruce approach to reopening schools when it is deemed safe to do so by our local medical officer of health. Our board has heard from quite a few concerned parents/guardians, who are requesting a return to in-person learning with COVID-19...

Reader Fed Up With Ford

Dear Mr. Vance, During the first year of our current Conservative government you published an editorial in which you called Doug Ford a clown. As a result of this comment I discontinued my subscription to The Meaford Independent. Today, May 13th, I watched Doug Ford's press conference. I have now come to the belated conclusion that your editorial was an insult...

I Want to Continue to Love it Here!

Editor, When I moved to Meaford two years ago I had no idea that I would live down the street from a development proposal for the Stanley Knight waterfront property, the likes of which could be found in downtown Toronto, or Chicago. Yes, there was an empty lot nearby that was destined to be developed, but I thought, perhaps naively,...

Reader Shares Thoughts on Pumped Storage

Mr. Editor, In the early days of the Pumped Storage debate I attempted to keep an open mind when assessing the pros and cons of the proposal. When opponents of the project started to make unsubstantiated claims to garner support for their cause I felt it necessary to challenge them in a couple of letters to your paper. The feedback was...

Growing Pains

To the Editor, It seems a bit suspicious that Skydev would try to push its proposal past Council, and planners, while we are in the midst of a pandemic, when true public meetings are not possible. This proposal is highly contentious and rightly so. Their plans and proportions are deeply flawed, this does not integrate at all with its surroundings,...

What is the Real Value of a Petition?

Dear Editor, Suggesting a petition should be used to drive public policy is a pretty dangerous business to get into. Petitions are the crudest possible measures of support/lack of support out there. They're also the cheapest and easiest to organize, so they're pretty common. It's good to recognize the pitfalls inherent in petitions. For the organizers petitions are the best thing...

Thoughts On Responsibility

Dear Editor, I saw some of the debate on sexual misconduct in the military. Then I saw the interview with the health minister where she would not talk to those being too blunt. What they had in common was that no one took responsibility for their own actions. Yes there were government mistakes, but what did each of those MPs or...