Friday, July 26, 2024

Council News

Meaford's council was presented with the completed development charges background study at their July 22 meeting. “The Municipality of Meaford has now completed a Development Charges (DC) Background Study as part of the process for the approval of a new DC by-law in compliance with the Development Charges Act, 1997 (DCA). The final step is to issue the Notice of Completion which will initiate the public feedback period and will be posted July 22, 2024,” staff noted in their report...
During the public participation portion of Monday's (July 8) council meeting agenda, three residents made presentations to council regarding the proposed hydro-electric pumped storage facility to be located on the grounds of the 4th Canadian Division Training Centre in the Municipality of Meaford. One of those making a presentation, Meaford resident Michael Ashmore, called upon council to allow for a referendum to be held on the issue. “We would like a democratic say, we don't believe we have had one...

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