Friday, July 26, 2024


On Volunteering

Editor, Before I got a paid teaching position as an ESL teacher for adults, I volunteered. I arrived to meet my class, all male Jamaican recently-arrived new Canadians. I greeted them by telling them that I was a volunteer teacher and if I performed well I may get a paid position. They asked what a volunteer was and I explained...

Thoughts on Guns in America

Editor, As an American ten year old boy said to me when asked why he shoots squirrels, he quickly responded, “It is my constitutional right to bear arms.” This twisted and incorrect interpretation will continue as Americans choose to use it as means to eliminate their politicians. Beryl L Campbell, Meaford

Opposition to Proposed Pumped Storage Facility Has Been Heard Loud & Clear

Editor, The Save Georgian Bay Political Action Committee is pressuring the Meaford Council because they claim that they are not being heard. Sadly, that is not true. We have heard them very loud and clear since the very start of the project. They are being heard! They have representatives on council who advocate for them. But the majority of citizens...

Carbon Tax Concerns

Editor, In reference to Bruce Mason's letter. I find it very difficult to believe that all Carbon Tax revenue go back to the public. Surely someone is getting paid to rebate all these funds. We all know how government works, this is why we have a deficit and debt. You must be one of the lucky few to receive the $210....

Reader Shares Thoughts About the United States

Editor, Firstly, I believe the term “United States” is a complete oxymoron. The states are not at all “united” and haven’t been since the original 13 colonies, which didn’t see eye-to-eye either. They most certainly haven’t been united since the Civil War...and I don’t mean just politically, I mean economically, socially, intellectually and morally. The GOP is more ‘far right’ than...

Reader Shares Economist’s Assessment of TC Energy Pumped Storage Project

Editor, I’m glad to see that a bill has been passed (Bill C-59) that prevents fossil fuel companies from 'greenwashing' their projects. The bill prohibits a public “statement, warranty or guarantee of a product’s benefits for protecting or restoring the environment or mitigating the environmental, social and ecological causes or effects of climate change”, if the claims are not based...

Popular this week

Concern For the Ontario Science Centre

Editor, There are many 'immigrants' into Meaford who raised our families in Toronto and spent many hours in the Science Centre engaged in fun and education. What a great place to go on a rainy weekend. Now our provincial government is threatening to close it down, and on very short notice too. It appears that no consideration has been given to...

More Thoughts on Carbon Taxes & Levies

Dear Editor, May I correct the mistake in Mr. Furgiuele’s letter from June 27, please? Conservative MPs get the same thing wrong, so I think it’s essential we correct the record. The Federal Carbon Tax in Canada is in fact a carbon levy. This forbids the Federal Government from adding Carbon Taxes collected to general tax revenue. It forbids the Federal...

Support For Capital Gains & Carbon Taxes

Editor, Recently, my news feed had an item about Canadian Tax controversy. I have managed to ignore PP’s (Pierre Poilievre) lying rants about the carbon tax but an item on the CBC News website about Capital Gains tax caught my attention. Conservative Leader PP has released a 16-minute video on the topic that referenced Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. I normally...

Celebrating Community Spirit: A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Volunteers from the Municipality of Meaford

Editor, On Saturday, June 15, 2024, the Municipality of Meaford came alive with joy and community spirit during our 150 Celebration. Residents, alongside friends and family, lined St. Vincent Street to cheer, wave, and create lasting memories as they enjoyed the vibrant parade. The festivities continued at the bustling Harbour with delicious food, exciting games, and engaging activities for all. As...

Chaos Created

Editor, An open letter to Premier Doug Ford. Congratulations on your 19 week break from Queen’s Park so that you can return refreshed in late October. Chaos created, job done. And on the recent appointment of the largest number of Ministers and Parliamentary Assistants in the history of Ontario as taxpayers fund the most expensive group of politicians now not sitting in...

Thoughts on the Carbon Tax

Dear Editor, If one complains about the carbon tax, they say, "Oh you're a climate change denier." Well, no, I'm not, but the carbon tax receipts just go into general tax revenue, instead of being targeted to initiatives that would alleviate the problem. For instance, a Toronto Star investigation found that the Trudeau Government has been subsidizing the Tar Sands production...

Support For Permanent Resident Status For Undocumented People

Dear Editor, As a Canadian citizen, a voter, and a retiree living in Meaford I strongly support permanent resident status for undocumented people, also referred to as comprehensive regularization, and so does everyone I know. I was surprised by Immigration Minister Marc Miller’s recent remarks suggesting a lack of consensus in Canada for regularization. To many Canadians, it’s clear that regularization...

The Terrible Truth Of War

Editor, This is not an opinion piece, these are facts strictly from the pages of documented history. People today have little or no knowledge of war, so they lack the terrible memory of what winning a war entails. Winning a war requires the killing of civilians. Killing enemy soldiers or airmen never won a war. It was always necessary to kill civilians to...

Should King Charles III be Symbolic Commander-in-Chief of Canadian Armed Forces?

Dear Editor, In response to letter-writer Anton Komar’s June 6, 2024, query to your readers as to whether King Charles III should be the Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Armed Forces and have supreme command and control of our army: the British monarch is constitutionally our Commander-in-Chief, yes, but the role is symbolic, as is the role of Head of State. The...

Our Teens are the Future

Editor, We would like to acknowledge a young farm boy in our neighbourhood. He is a hard working, enthusiastic, totally dedicated young farmer. He buys and raises his own chickens expertly, and when the time comes he has a very lucrative business selling his eggs. He also does some market gardening and his corn is awesome as well as any other produce...