Friday, July 26, 2024


Summer is in full swing. The air is warm, the sun has been shining, and everywhere I look I see folks enjoying the summer weather. From hikers I meet on the Georgian Trail, to the sail boats out on the bay, to the blissful aroma of a neighbour's backyard...

As Council Looks Toward Their Summer Break, the Challenges Continue to Mount

As they do each year, Meaford's council will take the month of August as their summer break. The summer break is a time for council to get some down time to recharge and refresh, and for staff, many of whom take vacation time in the summer months anyway, to have a few weeks free from preparing reports for council meetings,...

There Are Few Things I Love More Than Seeing Residents Engage With Council

As someone who has been a municipal governance nerd for 35 years, I am accustomed to empty council chamber galleries, even for important meetings like budget presentations. I get it, municipal governance isn't for everyone: it isn't sexy, it often isn't exciting, but it certainly is important, and can impact us all. Every now and then, typically due to a...

Would I Recommend Small Town Living?

A friend of mine who lives in one of Ontario's larger cities asked me over the weekend about small town living: what I like, what I don't like, and what I would change if I could. He also asked if I ever miss living in a larger city. My friend has been toying with the idea of escaping big city...

This Weekend We Celebrate the Good Fortune of Calling Canada Home

Another Canada Day long weekend is upon us, and for me, aside from a fabulous excuse for some summer celebration fun, this holiday is also a time to reflect upon the good fortune I have received in life simply by being able to call Canada home. I could just as easily have been born and raised elsewhere, in a less...

Popular this week

Summer Has Officially Arrived

Summer has officially arrived, and as if on cue, hot, steamy air moved in to our area this week, as a reminder. The summer solstice, which this year falls on Thursday, June 20, is the longest day of the year, from a sunlight perspective at least. And for those of us who reside in the northern hemisphere of this planet,...

Need For Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Hangs Like a Dark Cloud Over Council

It will be expensive, and even if funding can be secured from upper levels of government, it will still require a significant amount of new debt to be taken on by this municipality. But in the near future, the Municipality of Meaford must address the need for the expansion of the municipal wastewater treatment plant. The facility, located on Grant...

From the Farmers’ Market to Our Heritage, We Have Much to Celebrate

Farmers' market season begins in Meaford tomorrow, Friday, June 7, and perhaps it's fitting that close on the heels of the opening of the farmers' market season, this municipality will be celebrating the 150th anniversary of the former Town of Meaford, as this community has been an agricultural centre at its core since its inception. It is also fitting that...

The Kids Are All Right

Maybe it is the father within me, but I absolutely love to see our youth do amazing things, and as you may have read in this week's newspaper, here in Meaford a couple of high school students are indeed doing amazing things: they have established a bicycle repair establishment at Victoria Village. The TLC Bicycle Shop officially opened for business...

Accessibility Equals Inclusion

Next week is National AccessAbility Week, an initiative that shines a bright light on the importance of accessibility for all, identifying areas for improvement, and celebrating the progress that has been made in recent years. According to Statistics Canada, 27 percent of Canadians have a disability of some description, meaning that roughly eight million of us have one or more...

The First Long Weekend of the Warmer Months is Upon Us

The first long weekend of the warmer months is upon us: the Victoria Day weekend, the May two-four weekend, whatever you call it, this long weekend is the gateway to summertime fun in these parts. After what can often be long, cold winters, though certainly not this past winter, we Ontarians are eager to get outdoors and embrace the warm...

Summer is Coming & So Are the Speed Freaks

As the spring air temperatures continue to rise, leading us into the summer months, so will the speeds on our local roads and highways in what has become somewhat of a summer tradition: speeders and stunt drivers invade our roads each summer. Motorists drive beyond the speed limit year-round of course, but the winter months, often featuring slippery ice-covered roads,...

Pumped Storage Advisory Committee Members Have Been Selected and They Are About to Get to Work

The citizen members of the newly created Pumped Storage Advisory have been selected, and will soon get to work. A total of 24 applicants were interviewed over three sessions on March 27, April 3, and April 4, and the interview panel's recommendations were presented to council during a closed session held on April 15. The appointments were approved in a...

The Double Edged Sword That is Artificial Intelligence

Around this time last year, I wrote about my concerns with artificial intelligence (AI), and in the dozen months that have followed, my concerns have only grown. As I expressed a year ago, I have real concerns about whether we will know what to believe in the future, whether we will know what is real and what is not, as...

Farmers’ Market Season Will Soon Be Here

When spring arrives, I begin thinking of the coming farmers' market season. Our local farmers work hard year-round, but their busiest times are of course in the spring and autumn, and at this time of year they are busy planting and preparing for the season to come. Before long, they will have freshly grown vegetables, fruits, and proteins available...