Stephen Vance, Editor
At the start of April, with the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing, gatherings were limited to just five people, making it impossible for Meaford's Council to hold public meetings, so they ventured into new territory by holding meetings virtually and streaming them on YouTube. Thankfully, in-person council meetings are about to return.Virtual council meetings made it possible...
Stephen Vance, Editor
As the month of August is nearing its end, September is right around the corner, and in this year of the pandemic, in Meaford it won't be the September we are used to.Normally at this time of year we would be just days away from the first scarecrows being erected on downtown lamp posts and creative displays...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Recently a friend of mine posted on social media that 2020 has been the worst year in his lifetime, and he went on to share a laundry list of all of the things he felt have been horrible about this strange year. While I couldn't disagree with the post, it did cause me to do some reflection,...
Stephen Vance, Editor
If there is one thing that we all have in common these days, it's that we all have been impacted to some degree, largely in a negative way, by the COVID-19 pandemic.Some have experienced far greater impacts than others. Some have seen their jobs disappear, others have felt the financial blow to their businesses after months of...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Some windy weather over the weekend offered us a reminder of how vulnerable our shoreline areas are as long as water levels remain high.
During a period of heavy rain the winds kicked up, bringing large waves crashing into Meaford's shoreline. The Bayfield Street area between the museum and Fred Raper Park was once again pummelled by rocks...
Stephen Vance, Editor
No matter your stance on the proposed hydroelectric pumped storage facility on Meaford's Tank Range, I think we in this community can all feel a sense of pride with how Meaford residents have responded to the massive proposal.With the commenting period for the Department of Defence's study into the feasibility of allowing the project to be constructed...
Stephen Vance, Editor
It is perhaps not surprising that Meaford, like similar small rural communities, struggles to embrace proposed ideas or developments given the steady erosion we've seen in recent years of many of the qualities and characteristics that small towns have historically enjoyed.Just a few decades ago many small towns were bustling with energy, with thriving downtown shopping areas...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Meaford residents have been frustrated with the state of two shoreline parks that have been largely inaccessible since last autumn, when strong winds combined with high water levels in the bay dumped yet more rocks and debris into the parks, jeopardizing infrastructure and posing a safety hazard.Here we are in the middle of July and rather than...
Stephen Vance, Editor
The message was clear from residents who were able to participate in Monday's virtual public planning meeting, focused on a proposal for a new long-term care centre mixed with retirement housing on the former Meaford Community School property on Cook Street – the proposed development is supported in principle, but the six-storey height of the building is...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Just because something can be done, it doesn't mean that it should be done. In a nutshell, that's how I feel about public planning meetings being held virtually.
It is one thing during a prolonged time of emergency to hold regular council meetings virtually in order to keep the business of the municipality moving along, it is quite...