Monday, March 10, 2025


Chamber Participated in Municipal Budget Process

Editor, Accepting the editor's observation that not one resident registered to address Council about the budget, I would like to assure the public that the Meaford Chamber of Commerce did submit written comment on three budget items. Some time ago, to enhance communication between the business community and Council, the Chamber Board invited members of Council to attend our monthly meeting....

Concern About Municipal Fleet Management

Dear Editor, As part of the 2022 budget, management is recommending a vehicle for the bylaw enforcement department. Council has stated many times, including in the Strategic Initiates document, that climate change impacts municipal operations. The vehicle would be part of the lease agreement with Enterprise Fleet. It is a well known fact that emissions from vehicles are a large contributor...

Many Questions Still to Be Answered Regarding Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Editor, After the 2021 federal elections, the government cleared and swept away all outstanding petition requests at the beginning of the new parliament. One was a 3,300 signatures petition submitted by the Save Georgian Bay Association. I understand that this is a standard accepted procedure, and there was no wrongdoing. The e-petitions, on the other hand, need 500 signatures in 120...

Another Reader Saddened by Gradual Loss of Use of Cursive Writing

To the Editor, I totally agree with Roberta Docherty about the loss of cursive writing. It is very sad that it will be lost if everyone does not learn how to 'write'. You stated that cursive writing is not very useful in today's society. I disagree. Cheques must be signed in 'writing'. Legal documents are signed in writing (even if printed...

Are Batteries Really the Solution?

Dear Editor, C’mon guys. Surely, I’m not the only person in Meaford with access to the Internet and Google. Batteries? Batteries??? Batteries????? From Wikipedia: “Other energy storage solutions, such as pumped hydroelectric storage, continue to dominate the market. As of 2019, pumped hydroelectric storage accounted for 96% of global energy storage capacity. Pumped hydroelectric storage systems have relatively long lifetimes when compared to battery...

Meaford’s Obsession with Parking & Creating Problematic Solutions

Editor, Have you ever noticed how confusing so many signs are around town? "Due to Covid, harbour customers are only allowed on the docks", which literally meant boaters were not allowed into town, they were only allowed on the docks. I think the writer actually meant to say "... ONLY harbour customers are allowed on the docks". Grammar matters. My personal favourite...

Reader Saddened by Loss of Cursive Writing Skills

Dear Editor, Please ask your readers to take a second look at what has happened to our children’s education. I had six great-grandchildren sign a Christmas card. They are from different locations and grade levels, from one to college. One—1—could write her name. The others printed and of the six, only the grade one could print legibly. None would be...

There is No Such Thing as 100% Efficiency

Editor, Our world seems to be endlessly enmeshed in controversy, to vax or not to vax, to pump or not to pump, with each side fiercely digging in with no compromise in sight. The truth becomes blurred with spin on every side but there are some realities we must face. Regarding the pumped storage project; first of all, it is...

Reader Responds to Letter Regarding Pumped Storage Proposal

Dear Editor, Is the hydro-pump storage "Green as Kermit the Frog Sitting on Dr. David Suzuki's Lap?" Bruce Mason's letter to the Editor on December 16, 2021, and I share a passion for the same Pump-storage project. I agree that we need green projects and steer away from fossil fuels in the future. I agree with the engineering designs to store...

Reader Offers Reminder of Tank Range History

Editor, Meaford Tank Range - History (From Government of Canada Treaties, agreements and negotiations) Treaty #18 October 17, 1818: Nottawasaga Purchase/Lake Simcoe – Nottawasaga Treaty The Crown purchased 1,592,000 acres from the Nation of Indians for $1,200 pounds currency in goods yearly and every year for ever at the 'Montreal Price', as Montreal was the economic hub of Upper and Lower Canada. The...