Sunday, March 9, 2025


Concern For Ukraine

Dear Editor, How incredibly sad to see another 'freedom protest' group on the steps of the town hall in Meaford. It was made all the worse when you consider the real freedoms being lost in Ukraine that have the potential to expand to surrounding countries. As well think about the thousands of protesting Russian citizens supporting Ukraine's resistance, arrested because they...

Reader Reacts to Freedom Convoy Experience Letter

To the editor, Since the anti-mandate protests have begun, I've spent too many hours reading remarks from both sides of the argument, trying to see if the protesters/supporters have valid points. I've yet to find anything, and Brian Bell's letter of Feb. 17 didn't change that. On-line remarks, quotes, and retorts to coverage have been full of anger, insults, half...

Relief That Convoy Protest Being Brought to an End

Dear Editor, Kudos to Bruce Mason for his thoughtful, witty and eloquent letter last week about the delusional anti-vaccers, ill-informed “freedom convoy”, and sinister convoy leadership. After three weeks of dithering it is a relief that the borders are being restored to traffic, the Ottawa neighbours are beginning to get some sleep, and the trucks are being removed from Ottawa’s downtown...

Thoughts on Freedom

Dear Editor, I was recently on a road trip for five days.  This gave me plenty of time to think about the anti vaccine protests and other issues that seem to cause frustration to some people. The thoughts were random and unfocused until I saw something unexpected. As I was passing through Texas, off in the distance I saw a house...

Reader: This is Not My Canada

Dear Editor, This is not my Canada. It is not the way we have started believing the stories from trolls on the internet over the doctors we used to trust. Nor is it knowing the trucks have moved to a field in Arnprior until it is safe to go back, or claimed police brutality in Ottawa not being what was...

Don’t Be Like Fred

Dear Editor, Consider the case of a guy named Fred. I picked Fred because I don’t know one. Please substitute Bob or Sally if you wish. But do not use Bruce. Since 1976, when they became mandatory, Fred has worn a seat-belt in every car and truck he has owned. Fred knows seat-belts don’t prevent car crashes, but Fred knows they’ve...

My Freedom Convoy Experience

Editor, On January 28, 2022, my daughter and I joined the Grey Bruce Convoy to Ottawa in my Subaru. We met hundreds of people in Owen Sound at the starting point who cheered on 40-50 vehicles heading to Ottawa. It was perhaps the proudest day in my life as a Canadian. Here are a few reflections of my weekend in...

Life-Long Conservative Unhappy With Party Support For Trucker Protest

Editor, I have sent the following to MP Candice Bergen, Ms. Bergen; I am not your constituent, but I am a life-long Federal Conservative and have voted in this way for 19 consecutive elections. I dropped my actual party membership a number of years ago, due to the direction the party was taking with leadership choices. The party will have to come...

Reader: Truckers Are Protesting For a Reason

Editor, I need to put some reality and sanity back into the trucker’s protest discussion from a Canadian Nationalist’s point of view. When COVID became a threat, before being declared a pandemic, I participated in a ZOOM meeting of Public Health officials and the general public. This was before the vaccines were approved, and masks and hand sanitizers were in short supply....

Reader Offers Thoughts on Climate Change

Editor, It would serve us well to clarify and agree on definitions of terms widely used in reports and discussions about the general subject, 'climate-change'. First, many people seem to consider Environment, 'Sustainability', and 'Climate-change' as one issue. In fact, they are three distinct subjects. But anyone not fully committed to mainstream positions on all three might well be labelled a...