Thursday, March 6, 2025


Ontario’s Sunshine List Casts a Shadow on Reality

Rather than shining a bright light on 'overpaid' government workers, Ontario's antiquated 'Sunshine List' casts a shadow on the real struggles of Ontarians, and true inequity found here and beyond our borders. We've had the annually published Sunshine List for more than a quarter century now. Back in 1996 when the Mike Harris Conservative government passed the Ontario Public Disclosure...

Council Makes Some Sensible Amendments to New Burn Bylaw

Before a final vote on the municipality's new burn bylaw on Monday, members of council engaged in a lengthy, but productive conversation focused on some amendments being sought prior to final approval. Though council had unanimously approved the new burn bylaw two weeks prior, over that time members of council heard from some ratepayers and they brought the concerns they...

We Have Entered the Spring of Discontent

Spring has sprung, the birds are chirping, and nearly all of the pandemic restrictions under which we've been living for more than two years have been lifted. And while we might expect to be collectively chuffed with all of these positive developments, instead, no matter where we turn, we are seeing and hearing division amongst us. While we should be...

The End of Mask Life is Approaching

As the pandemic has turned endemic, most COVID restrictions have recently been lifted with the remaining restrictions to be lifted in the near future, allowing us to live our lives in a new normal. As of March 21, we will even be free of the often contentious mask mandate in most situations, welcome news to many. At the start of...

What Should We Look For in a Council Candidate?

With a municipal election to be held in October, we will soon see candidates announce their intentions to seek a seat on council, and voters will be faced with the task of sorting through the candidates in hopes of finding some that suit their needs as municipal councillors. But what should we be looking for? What makes for a...

A Municipal Election is Fast Approaching – Would You do the Job For What They Are Paid?

I had a conversation with a friend recently and he expressed frustration with the municipal tax increase for this year. He suggested to me that it is nonsense that members of council couldn't find areas to cut, and he suggested further that they should begin with their salaries. “How much do you think they make?” I asked, a little shocked...

Library Board’s Unconventional Appointment Raises Eyebrows

Like others, I was taken by surprise with the news of the Meaford Library Board's decision to appoint municipal CAO Rob Armstrong as CEO for the library. In Ontario per the Public Libraries Act (PLA), it is not local councils who make the decisions regarding library operations, it is the Library Board that holds that responsibility. So though I have...

Council’s Paid Parking Project Has Seen One Reversal After Another

It would not be unfair to suggest that Council's paid parking pilot project has been a muddled mess since its very inception, and this week Council yet again reversed course on their own plan. In November of 2021, I wrote that members of Council were requesting so many exemptions from their planned expansion of the program from Memorial Park last...

It Feels Like The World Has Gone Crazy

If you've been feeling like the entire world has gone crazy, you are not alone. Protests on Parliament Hill, a potential war brewing on the Russia-Ukraine border, continued friction over pandemic protocols, volcanoes erupting, outrage over the latest statements by celebrities or politicians, everywhere we turn there seems to be chaos, confusion, and frustration. Perhaps what we are seeing is extreme...

Statutory Public Budget Meeting Sees No Engagement From Ratepayers

The annual statutory public budget meeting is an opportunity for ratepayers to learn about the coming year's municipal budget and to offer their input before Council votes to approve the 2022 budgets. Monday's statutory public meeting saw just a handful of folks taking in the live-stream of the meeting, and not one resident registered to speak to Council about...