Thursday, January 30, 2025


Pollution Probe Paying Close Attention to Pumped Storage Proposal

Dear Editor, I’m writing in regard to the September 29 letter regarding TC Energy’s proposed pumped storage project. Pollution Probe and a number of other organizations are paying close attention and scrutinizing all available information to better understand the potential benefits and risks of the project. We will continue to monitor and evaluate as new information becomes available. I would note...

Proposed Development Rarely Meets Early Expectations

Mr. Vance, I read with interest your recent column about the low voter turnout, and the lack of serious opposition to development proposals in general. You make some very valid points, but I must point out that Meaford (like so many small municipalities) tends to attract potential developers who lack the means or credibility to construct their visions. Councils and senior staff...

Praise For Meaford Hospital Staff

Editor, In October of 2022, I was a patient at Meaford Hospital. I can only think of positive comments regarding the staff. During my stay, I noticed a few things that required attention. Graham Fry, Meaford Hospital Manager of Operations, met with me. He was very receptive and caring with respect to the need for the broken TV in the...

Lobbying For an Oil & Gas Windfall Profits Tax

Dear Editor, The federal government has spent over $15B on financial support for the oil and gas industry this year, according to a recent report by Environmental Defence. At the same time, supply uncertainty and skyrocketing gas prices allowed fossil fuel companies to make record profits off of everyday people's backs. How about the rest of us get some financial...

TC Energy Responds to Recent Letter

Editor, In his recent letter to the editor, More Thoughts on Proposed Pumped Storage Facility, Louis M. Bernard outlines numerous observations regarding TC Energy’s Pumped Storage Project. Protecting Georgian Bay’s fish and aquatic environment, water quality, and the number and type of jobs associated with the Project are all factors that are important to us too. While I applaud...

Why Pumped Storage (PSP) Is Bad For Ontario

Editor, I spent 20 years of my 40-year engineering career designing and building hydro-electric dams and water storage facilities. I have a complete working knowledge of this technology. The resultant operation yields of the proposed PSP facility are diametrically opposed to satisfying the Province’s challenges of achieving greenhouse gas emission reductions and ensuring the security of adequate, dependable energy supply. Effective, quantifiable...

Premier Ford’s Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost, Will the Lights Be On?

Dear Editor, I have some bad news for Mr. Buck and Mr. Bernard. I desperately want us to slow down, then reverse, Climate Change by every means possible. We need to adopt Green Energy solutions as quickly as we can. On as large a scale as possible. Proven, safe, planet saving, Green Energy solutions. Like the one Mr. Buck, Mr. Bernard,...

Not Sold on the Bag Tag Initiative

Dear editor, I must take issue with your latest rant in favour of Meaford’s garbage bag tag system (The 3Rs...Rants, Raves & Rumours, October 6, 2022 print edition). In theory, as you point out, it is supposed to foster a user pay system and create an incentive for recycling/composting. In practice, however, it only creates an incentive for residents to...

More Thoughts on Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Editor, Letters to the Editor in the October 13, 2022 issue of the Meaford Independent illustrate that a few people do not understand what the TCE Project is about and how it will or will not affect their lives in Meaford. If they had done the research that I have performed, they would understand that a large number of 'Pumped Storage...

Attack on the Escarpment

Editor, The Escarpment Corridor Alliance held a summit meeting on June 24 at the George Knowles Red Barn near Ravenna. It was noted in a follow up email that the meeting was “making Escarpment history” to gather so many groups, who in their various ways and study of numerous development projects are all working to protect the escarpment around Georgian...