Wednesday, March 12, 2025

East Grey Hunters & Anglers Support Meaford’s Legion

The East Grey Hunters and Anglers Association has donated funds to Branch No. 32 of the Royal Canadian Legion to help with the many requests for financial assistance that the Legion receives.

The association’s president, Bob Johnson, and the 2nd vice chair of memberships, George Wyville, presented a cheque for $500 to Branch No. 32’s president Steve Rice and 1st-vice president Martin Riorden on January 9. The funds will be held in the branch’s general account for now, according to Rice, until the executive can once again meet to review applications for assistance.

The branch’s fundraising events and meetings have been impacted by the COVID pandemic. Membership fees are covering the branch’s basic expenses. “We are surviving on membership fees,” Rice said. “Apart from the poppy campaign, there hasn’t been much opportunity to fundraise. Yet when the executive meets to review correspondence, there are always requests for funds.”

The East Grey Hunters and Anglers Association operates shooting ranges, an archery facility, and a clubhouse for members in the Municipality of Meaford. For information on the association’s facilities, programs, and schedule of events go to


L-R: East Grey Hunters and Anglers Association 2nd Vice Chair of memberships, George Wyville, and President Bob Johnson presented a cheque for $500 to Royal Canadian legion Branch No. 32 President Steve Rice and 1st Vice President Martin Riordon on January 9.

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