Monday, March 10, 2025


Reader: Federal Conservative Party Denying Reality

Dear Editor: Although I saw the letter you received in response to my own letter submitted March 9th, I planned to ignore it. Presumably The Editor doesn't need readers lobbing sticks and rocks back and forth at each other in the paper like it's their own private chat room etc. Already did what I could. Better to just walk away. Then...

We Are in the Midst of a Climate Emergency

Editor, Ron Hartlen wrote in his letter of March 18 (responding to Mr. Mason’s letter of March 11) that there are “many well qualified, experienced scientists, geologists, geophysicists around the world who...tell us that there is no urgent CO2-emissions crisis.” He is correct, there are many who do so, however these many are still a minuscule proportion of scientists in...

Reflecting on the One Year Anniversary of COVID-19 in Grey Bruce

Editor, We are in the midst of exceptional, once-in-a-lifetime circumstances. It was on March 18 last year Grey Bruce saw the initial cases of COVID-19. Those first few cases were all travel-related. Ten days in, the tenth case for the region became the first attributed to community transmission. Infectious diseases are the origins of public health. A pandemic is something public health...

Reader Notes Meaford’s Doggie-Doo Problem

Dear Editor, I moved to Meaford in October. Yes, I am part of the COVID-inspired mass exodus from cities to a more quiet lifestyle closer to nature. I am very happy to be here and am generally excited for Meaford's future. I recently went for a walk through Beautiful Joe park and up part of Trout Hollow trail and was dismayed...

Praise For Ontario’s Medical Care & Meaford’s Hospital

Editor, On Monday, September 18, 2017, I got to see firsthand how lucky we are in Meaford to have such a dedicated and skilled emergency team. In the weeks prior to the said date, I had been feeling weak and felt like I was running on 'one lung'. I had difficulty climbing stairs and was always catching my breath. The weekend of...

In Defense of ‘Climate Deniers’

Editor, In his letter of March 9, Bruce Mason, with reference climate change, said, in part: "I usually find a way to tell deniers that they are too stupid to be in the room when the adults are talking..." Mr. Mason's style and language reflects that of those who use the arrogant, dismissive term 'climate deniers'. There are many well qualified, experienced scientists,...

Hard Truths Can Rightly Create Discomfort

Dear Editor, Years ago I saw a video of an interview that the former Vice President, Al Gore, was giving on TV. The subject was Climate Change denial. Mr. Gore compared fighting Climate Change to the fight for Civil Rights in the Southern U.S. in the 1960's. He said that Black Civil Rights leaders had done just about everything they...

Pharmacist Responds to Letter Questioning COVID Measures

Editor, While I am an avid reader of 'Letters to the Editor' I am rarely motivated by these letters to write one of my own. Last week’s letter from Ms. Green regarding her opposition to the wearing of masks and her questioning the safety and efficacy of the COVID vaccines proved to be the exception. As a pharmacist, my staff and...

Reader Scolds Editor For Being Rude

Mr. Vance, I am responding to a comment you posted regarding a letter submitted by Charmain Green, local citizen of Meaford. In that short paragraph, you assumed that everything was "provably false". (I'm assuming you meant, "probably" ~ Editor's Note: No, I did not mean probably, and I did not say 'everything') That's a very ignorant and irresponsible response considering you...

Reader Opposes Measures Taken to Slow Transmission of Virus

Dear Mr. Vance, I read in the Independent last week (February 25 print edition, 3Rs...Rants, Raves & Rumours) that you suggested that donning a mask to enter a store isn’t really a big deal. Actually it is a big deal. How much longer is the public supposed to bow to these extreme regulations? Wearing a mask is not about a virus, as...