Sunday, January 12, 2025


Reader Not Impressed With New Library

Letter to the Editor Editor, I had a first time visitor to Meaford this week. Was proud to driver her around to view Memorial Park, Lakeview Cemetery, the harbour and waterfront, Meaford Hall, the old fire hall, was delighted to see tennis and pickleball courts. Everything was going find until she saw the new library. It sits there like a big 'blackhead'...

Reader: There is – Us and Them

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Born and raised in Sydenham Township, to this day I call it home. Living just one concession from Georgian Bluffs and the City of Owen Sound I use all the amenities of these two municipalities. To provide my address as Meaford, is very confusing to many.I have been very fortunate to have the Emergency Services...

TC Energy Says Pumped Storage Facility is an Environmentally Responsible Solution For Ontario’s Growing Energy Demands

Letter to the Editor Editor, I would like to thank Meaford resident Caryn Colman for sharing her open letter to Alex Ruff, MP, which appeared in the October 9, 2020 edition of your paper, regarding TC Energy’s proposed Pumped Hydro Storage Project. Caryn suggests that we need to change our relationship with energy, at home and at work through conservation. She...

Reader: Pumped Storage Cannot be Honestly Defended

Letter to the Editor Editor, Ontario’s electrical energy consumers and taxpayers must demand transparency and honesty from TC Energy with regard to their continued pursuit of the installation of a pumped storage facility atop the Niagara Escarpment. TC Energy consistently falls short of this behaviour in its promotion and defence of this antiquated technology.TC Energy’s John Mikkelsen, in his recent submission...

Canada Has a Waste Management Problem

Letter to the Editor Editor, Canada has a waste management problem. We also have a creativity 'thinking outside of the box' kind of a problem, but to address both in this letter would take up too much space and infuriate the editor. When Meaford began its pilot program to reclaiming and recycling plastic film waste I was over the moon ecstatic....

Canadian Dam Association Addresses Concerns Expressed by Residents

Letter to the Editor To the Editor, The Canadian Dam Association was referenced in Louise Buccella’s letter to Minister John Yakabushi, published on Sept. 25. It appears there may have been some misunderstanding of the information that we had shared with Ms. Buccella. The CDA does not have an opinion on the pumped storage facility proposed for the Meaford area. We can...

Reader Suspicious of Plastic Film Savings

Letter to the Editor Editor, In a recent letter to the editor one of your readers deplored council's decision to end the collection of soft plastics thereby incurring a savings of $36,000 per year. What the reader does not grasp is the fact that $36,000 can finance the addition of a new junior clerk, who can very quickly be promoted to a...

Reader Opposed to Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Letter to the Editor Editor, I cannot believe that anyone would be in favour of this insane project! I was born and raised 82 years ago in the Georgian Bay area. This pristine body of water has been the focal point of so many things in our lives. My father and many of his family worked for the Collingwood Shipyards for over...

TC Energy Responds to More Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor Editor, I would like to thank Stephen Carr for his letter, published in the October 2, 2020 edition of your paper, and for his continued interest in our proposed pumped hydro storage project at Meaford. He raises a number of considerations that I would like to address and clarify. 1. Electricity Exports to the United States and CO2...

Ranked Ballot vs Proportional Representation

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Your article 2022 Ballot to Include Question Regarding Ranked Choice Voting came to my attention today when it was posted to a Facebook group devoted to the discussion of Proportional Representation in Canada. In it Municipal Clerk Matt Smith made references to proportional representation several times. Ranked Choice voting, when used to elect a mayor or...