Friday, February 7, 2025

Thoughts on Sustainability Goals

Dear Editor,

As of late there has been much concern by residents in the Town of the Blue Mountains (TBM) regarding the purported ‘Sustainability’ goals and what they mean. At the request of some of the residents I had sent a 12-page letter to the Council of the TBMs, the Council of Grey County, and the admin staff of both. It was hoped that the Council and staff would take a step away from this and ensure any ‘plans’ made will be done through recommendations made by the people who live and work here.

It would seem now, though, it isn’t merely staff who are to tell the residents how they are to work, play, or live – but tourists are also encouraged to tell residents who the local residents are to become. In other words, the voices of the tourists mean more than the voices of the locals.

Firstly, the TBM’s plan is not a local plan – it is a plan determined by a foreign entity – the United Nations. This is the same entity that has Mr. Liu Zhenmin of China as the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs since 2017. Prior to his appointment, Mr. Liu was Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of China. That adds questions already, considering China is being accused of committing genocide, doesn’t it?

As for the Goals, while seeming laudable, have no substance and are merely phrases or words that have very little chance of being fulfilled. This is not how a local community determines how it is to prosper, nor what types of infrastructure is needed for said prosperity.

Secondly, the UN/ICLEI plan(s) contradicts itself. On one hand to “End poverty in all its forms everywhere” (Goal 1) it states:

“…By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, …, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, …”

And yet further into the document it states: “Support positive economic, social and environmental links between urban, peri-urban and rural areas by strengthening national and regional development planning,” (Goal 11). “Regional development planning” and land use restrictions, i.e. municipal land restrictions, tree preservation by-laws, etc., interfere with one’s ability to stop/mitigate impoverishment.

When one considers87% of Ontario’s land base is public land administered by the Ministry of Natural Resources,” we can be secure in the knowledge that we do not need more rigorous fiscally abusive by-laws.

To ensure they are able to remove the voices of the locals, it would seem they are promoting the ‘Sustainability Survey’ to tourists. They have radio ads, phone booths at tourist heavy locals throughout the municipality, mini-concerts, etc. Should any community rely on tourists to determine how a community should grow, proper and/or tell locals who they are to be? There is nothing in the survey regarding infrastructure, schools, health care, roads, long-term care, etc., etc., etc. What there is, in the survey, is quite a few lofty words that might sound good but have little or no basis in reality.

Are we talking about a local municipal plan for the residents’ future or some foreign plan that may violate Canadian values? And who’s taxes are paying for it all? That is for you and your elected officials to decide… it just seems they just don’t want to listen to those who actually voted them in or those who pay the taxes…

Elizabeth Marshall, Town of the Blue Mountains

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