Sunday, March 9, 2025


Thoughts on Policing

To Whom It May Concern, I believe that it is essential, that we step back from the present controversy of funding policing services and look at guidance from an historical perspective. The Canadian Constitution stipulates that the Federal Criminal Law enforcement is the responsibility of the Provinces. The protection of person and property and the enforcement of our laws MUST be available...

Read the (Print) Paper!

Dear Editor, I got a message about something I was talking about, going on in town. He said he had not seen it on line. Please remind people that THAT IS WHY WE HAVE PAPER NEWSPAPERS! You get things in the paper that are not on-line. Go back to hard copy to see what needs to be seen. Sincerely Roberta Docherty, Meaford

The Importance of Pollinators

Editor, We thoroughly enjoyed John Butler’s uplifting article on pollinator gardens (Let’s Celebrate Pollinators, June 17, 2021). Congratulations to volunteers from Transition Meaford for demonstrating so beautifully how we can each do our bit in our corner of the world to repair our ecosystems and help our fellow critters help us put food on our tables. Simply put—no pollinators, no fruit,...

Reader: TCE’s Safety Record is Poor

Dear Editor: Mr. Bruce Mason’s letter of April 22 expressed the belief that TCE has the engineering talent to safely build and operate the dam, the reservoir, the pumping station and the extensive water lines into Georgian Bay for the intake and outflow of Georgian Bay water. He compares those engineers to NASA engineers flying the drone on Mars. Mr. Mason,...

Number of Municipal Staff Concerns Reader

To the editor, I've been researching why Meaford property taxes are so much higher than other municipalities. My suspicions were right; the depth to which the problems lie was scary. This municipality was formed in 2001 with 41 employees. We now officially have 103, number 104 being hired soon. I inquired to other local municipalities (looking for land and it won't...

Thoughts on Residential School History

Editor, In all the rhetoric and hand wringing that has transpired since the discovery of the 215 children's bodies, I have heard next to nothing about full inquiry nor accountability. Many of the perpetrators of this atrocity are still alive. Why are they not being held to account? I wrote to the Prime Minister's office on the subject and received a typical...

Thoughts on Recent Tragedy

Dear Editor, Watching the horror of a family being murdered for no sensible reason, I realized that they were killed twice. Every life has a purpose, even if we don’t know what it is, especially when they are as hard working, gifted, socially responsible and educated as the Afzaal family was. They had dreams and potential never fulfilled, depriving the world...

A Statue is Not a Conversation

Editor, Come sit with me on this bench in Charlottetown, beside our first Prime Minister and talk. Here he is, sitting comfortably at one end, legs crossed, his top hat beside him, head turned toward us in expectation of a conversation. We could ask him about the other fathers of our Confederation. Why they chose to call Canada a ‘dominion'. Or...

PILT Windfall Should be Returned to Ratepayers

Dear Editor, The federal government uses a method of tax payment known as Payment in Lieu of taxes, (PILT). Over the years, us taxpayers have covered the costs of the unpaid taxes or PILT owed on the army base. After a long battle with the federal government, Meaford has finally gained a settlement of $1,665,000.00 for back taxes owed on...

Baffled by Thumbs Down

Dear Editor, April 27, 2018 you published a very nice tribute to local citizen, now Meaford Municipal Councillor, Ross Kenter, on the occasion of his retirement after 56 years at Bayshore Broadcasting. It was a good article. Personally, I've only met him once briefly, but I have never heard one negative word about Mr. Kentner in my life. Fifty-four readers awarded...