Monday, March 10, 2025


Concern About Pumped Storage Proposal

Dear Editor, I see a different side of the pumped storage project after reading Steven Carr's letter to the editor dated December 16, 2021. Let's imagine that we could see the water pumped uphill and flushed downhill during the day. What could it look like, or what would it be? The engineers at Ontario Pump Storage tell us that a reservoir for...

Be Visible When Out For a Walk at Night

Editor, Is it just me, or are people getting dressed up in black clothing and then going for a walk at night? This makes it difficult for drivers to see them. On one side, you have a vehicle approaching with the new LED lights which are brighter, and like a deer, you are memorized by looking at them; on the other...

Reader: Green as Kermit the Frog Sitting on Dr. David Suzuki’s Lap

Dear Editor, It is long past time to show this group politely to the door, lock it with them outside, and then get on with real Council work. It is important to remember that not a single concern raised by this group has proven to be true or even a real problem. Their scary stories they hoped would inflame the public...

BIA Extends Thanks After Festive Celebration

Dear Editor, I would like to thank everyone who attended the downtown winter celebration on Saturday, December 4. It was nice to see people out supporting our local merchants and enjoying the Christmas spirit. As with all events it takes planning and dedication from groups in our community. Please join me in thanking the Mayor as well as Janet Sperling, Jenn...

Questioning the Efficiency of Pumped Storage

Editor, Recent letters to The Independent defend the proposed pumped storage project (PSP) and question the rationale for suggesting there is a degree of deception at play here in its advocation. In order to contemplate these points of view, it is incumbent upon all of us to understand the inherent inefficiency of pumping water up hill to later extract energy...

Letter Writer’s Accusations of Corruption Prompt Reader Reaction

Editor, Mr. Carr clearly does not approve of the Pumped Storage Project. That’s his right. However, I have no respect for someone who makes broad accusations of corruption without providing some basis for them. Mr. Carr accuses people ‘with authority over this matter’ of enjoying ‘extended remuneration’ (aka bribery), and explicitly says there is criminal activity going on. These are serious accusations...

SkyDev Not Only Game in Town

Dear Editor, I am writing to you regarding your Editor’s Note at the end of Steve Griffiths’s letter of December 2nd: Should Council Consider SkyDev Their Only Option? Mr. Griffiths’s point was that the SkyDev’s proposal is the first that Council has had to deal with, and considering all the issues, Council should not feel pressured into thinking that this is...

Doubts About Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Dear Editor, Thank you, S. Carr, for your letter regarding the pumped storage propaganda on December 2, 2021. You are not the only engineer who has spoken against this proposal. The Ontario Society of Engineers (OSPE) deemed the pumped storage unnecessary. Instead, OSPE recommended that the Government of Ontario “implement electricity price reform that will allow consumers to use the...

Resistance to Pandemic Measures Can be Found Around the Globe

Editor, I was surprised and disappointed to read the letter with negative comments about the Dutch in Holland. Fact checks would be wise before inferring that Netherlanders are not intelligent and educated. Does the writer not understand that The Netherlands is not unique to having people rioting and protesting against the COVID protocols? Sadly, there are people in our own...

Climate Change is Not Going Away

Editor, The 'pungent' prose of his opinion (letter to the editor, December 2, 2021) is marginally offensive and maybe libellous. He offers no evidence to support his belief that TCE’s communications efforts exhibit "criminality" and “propaganda”. He laments that his inadequate engineering arguments have not even slowed down the project and implores someone with litigation skills to put a stop to...