Sunday, March 9, 2025


Reader Hoping ‘Meet Me in Meaford’ Song Will be Part of Meaford 150 Celebrations

Dear Editor, Many years ago, Meaford sponsored a contest looking for a song to be used for the Municipality’s official song. Meet Me in Meaford was chosen to be that song. It was written and performed by Allan Johnson, who coincidentally, now lives in Meaford. Wouldn’t it be great if that song could be used again for Meaford’s 150 year...

I’m Doing it For the Children

Editor, I’m doing it for the children. Our children. That’s why I’m an activist. And that’s why I participated in Save Georgian Bay’s Polar Bear Dip last Saturday when the water was 2°. I didn’t want to go into the water, but stopping TCE’s open-loop design is more important than staying comfortable. Don’t get me wrong. We are in a climate...

Reader Challenges Efficiency Claims in Recent Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, In response to his recent letter, I am glad that David MacDougall is performing his own internet research regarding energy storage; however, he should filter his findings more. Pumped storage round-trip efficiency claims can range between 65% and 87%. As with claims from associations and institutes affiliated and funded by fossil fuel corporations, many online organizations can claim...

Reader Challenges Assertions Made by Opponents of Pumped Storage Proposal

Dear Editor, I read Mr. Dave MacDougall’s thoughtful, factual letters (Jan. 18, Feb. 15). He debunks the same evidence-free arguments over and over. I wonder if he’s asking himself the same question that I’ve been asking myself? Specifically? How stupid do these Save Georgian Bay people think we all are? I’ll illustrate my question with five examples drawn from the letters page of...

More Thoughts on Healthcare

Dear Editor, We need healthcare throughout our lives. Canadians depend on universal access and have taken it for granted. However, it is clear that there are loopholes in the Canada Health Act and we have a provincial government that is committed to rapidly expanding privatization. We are at a critical point and individuals need to decide whether they are willing...

Could Reducing Energy Consumption in Buildings Eliminate Need For Increased Energy Production & Storage?

Dear Editor, The ongoing debate surrounding the Pumped Storage Project is truly engaging and educational. I am particularly interested in the energy efficiency side of the picture. As we navigate the transition away from fossil fuels and embrace technologies like electric vehicles there's a prevailing belief that Ontario's electricity demand will inevitably skyrocket. But is this assumption really valid? A recent...

Small Town Hockey is Hurting

Editor, Anyone who has grown up in a small Canadian town knows how integral hockey is to that small town experience. From a young age my son, and thus my family, has been immersed in small town hockey. Our weekends and evenings consist of travelling to and from rinks for practices, games and tournaments and we wouldn’t change it for...

Healthcare is Complex

Dear Editor, Healthcare is complex. Adding to the confusion are the euphemisms, omissions, and outright lies spoken by Premier Ford and Minister of Health Sylvia Jones. Today I would like to address some lies, staffing, hospital funding and small and rural hospitals. We were lied to in the lead-in to the 2022 election. The Minister of Health let out that they...

Support For Basic Income Policy

Dear Editor, My brother's only income is the provincially funded ODSP as he is on a disability pension. The guarantee of a basic income would be life-changing for him because it would mean a pay-raise. He is 60 years old and is having difficulty paying his rent and buying groceries, let alone having heat to live and cook. Personally, I think...

Reader: TC Energy Refuses To Answer Critical Questions

Editor, Consistent with TC Energy’s public invitation to ask questions about the Pumped Storage Project (PSP), on February 7, as a Hydro-Electric Engineer, I emailed 5 such questions to them and copied this inquiry to all members of our Town Council. This is because Council has declared Meaford as a “Willing Host” for PSP, yet for any approval to be...