Thursday, January 23, 2025


Reader: That’s Not How Accounting Works at All!

Dear Editor, It’s unlikely, but still possible, that there is a Professor of Cost Accounting somewhere in Ontario still worrying that I might come back to his class. Today? Hopefully, after decades and decades, today may be the day I finally make that poor Professor proud. The proposed 2024 Town of Meaford Budget lists a Net Expenditure (Revenues taken in, less the...

Reader’s Analysis of Ontario Pumped Storage Project

Dear Editor, I have to give kudos to TC Energy for their very effective, multi-million dollar proposed Ontario Pumped Storage (OPS) project public relations campaign. It looks like they have managed to influence politicians, much of the public and our own local town council through claims, a massive advertising campaign, lobbying and enticements. A corporate strategy of 'spend millions to...

In Defence of the Library

Editor, Mr. Kuitert (Letter to the Editor, February 1, 2024) seems to be unaware of the many positive benefits to the community provided by the library. He needs to factor them in when doing his calculations. He could learn about these things if he went to the library web site or subscribed to their news letter. And, I wonder if 100 books/day...

Reader Not Pleased With Cost to Operate Library

Editor, So, the library costs us some $2,000 a day. Assuming that an average of one hundred books are taken out, that means then that every loan costs twenty dollars plus a few bucks for the wear and tear on the book itself. Then add to that the interest on seven million at say 5% would earn in the bank, we can...

TC Energy: Pumped Storage Project Will Need to Demonstrate it is Cost Effective Before Moving Forward

Dear Editor, I am replying to Anne Boody Horwood’s letter, published January 25, 2024. Ms. Boody Horwood touches on a number of points, and we offer the following considerations in response. I would like to start by saying that the Ontario Pumped Storage Project (Project) will need to demonstrate that it is cost effective before it moves forward. To ensure that...

Reader: Taxpayers Will Foot the Bill For Pumped Storage

Dear Editor, Now we know. TC Energy's pumped storage proposal, which started at an estimated $2.2 billion in 2018, will actually cost $7 billion by the time it is built. TCE admits that in a January 11 press release and agrees to cap it at that level. But that's not counting pre-construction costs it wants Ontario taxpayers to pick up the...

Reader: Let’s Spend Billions For Less Net Electricity

Editor, I noticed two contributions to Letter to the Editor on January 18 attempting to legitimize the expenditure of what will eventually be $10 billion for the Pumped Storage Project (PSP). I spent 20 of my 40-year engineering career directly involved with the design and construction of hydro-electric dams and water storage facilities internationally. The following comment is based on Laws...

Budget Thoughts

Dear Editor, I agree with your assessment that the draft budget as presented appears much better than that of other municipalities. It's certainly the most responsible we've seen in recent years. There are still some concerns, though. First, compared to most neighbouring municipalities, Meaford's property taxes are quite high. (Owen Sound is often thrown in to sway the average; it doesn't...

How Much Profit is Enough?

Editor, This letter concerns corporate policies, not those of individual store franchisees and operators, who are forced to comply with the corporate line. Loblaws Co. Ltd. continues to be the food industry pacesetter in corporate greed and dismissal of affordability. They have changed their 50% discount on fresh foods nearing an expiry date down to 30%. Customers whose income forces them...

Reader: Many Questions Need Answering Regarding Pumped Storage

Editor, Ford Government looks to Trudeau Government to Help Fund TCE's Pumped Storage Scheme with Taxpayer Dollars Many questions need answering about TC Energy's (TCE) proposed pumped storage project on the Department of National Defence's training base in Meaford. In particular, queries about the cost of the scheme and who is paying for it. Costs have more than doubled from $2.2 billion...