Thursday, March 13, 2025


Denmark Hiker Discovers Beauty of Grey County Residents

Letter to the Editor Editor, On June 15th a young man from Copenhagen, Denmark, arrived at our door, on foot and carrying a large back pack. He had just arrived in Canada for a three-week visit and had spent his first day on the Bruce Trail (he had just hiked 32km). Friends had dropped him off south of Walters Falls and he...

Reader’s Take on Audited Financial Statements

Letter to the Editor Editor, As I have done every year, I have spent some time in review of the Audited Statement for the Municipality of Meaford for 2013. Although the level of detail in audited statements for 2013 is less than in the budget, I find it is still a worthwhile exercise to study these audited statements. I offer my observations...

Reader Suggests Alternative to Cell Tower

Letter to the Editor Editor, The following is an open letter to Meaford's council. There is an alternative to a cell tower in the harbour; in fact, there is a solution. For the past few months, numerous proposals to build cell towers in Meaford's neighbourhoods have angered and upset residents. At present, a 91-foot tower is proposed for the harbour, around 40ft from...

As a Community We Can Challenge and Reverse What is Presented as Inevitable

Letter to the Editor Editor, Councillors in the Municipality of Meaford are working hard to understand the implications of the possible placement of a cell tower disguised as a flag pole at our beautiful harbour. Todd White, Executive Director of Canadian Radio-communications and Notification Service (CRINS), organized and professional, shared several facts with council at their June 9 meeting. Three stood out...

Reader Suggests Green Candidate

Letter to the Editor Editor, During election campaigns one of the sentiments frequently expressed by voters is they are not happy with the way the province is being governed. This could refer to any of the three parties who have formed a government during the past 20 years. People want constructive changes that will benefit the citizens of our province and...

Friends of Memorial Park Thank Volunteers For Pulling Garlic Mustard

Letter to the Editor Editor, On behalf of the Trilliums, Jacks in the Pulpit, Hepaticas, Spring Beauties and all their friends, thank you to the elusive volunteers who pulled Garlic Mustard plants in Memorial Park. Diversity is key to a healthy woodland; Garlic Mustard threatens that. Twice as many plants were bagged this year than last. This plant is extraordinarily prolific and...

Reader Disputes Ontario Having Highest Energy Costs in N.A.

Letter to the Editor Editor, In his May 27 letter to the editor, alas, Mr. Robertson may not have done a thorough job of researching when he claims " Liberal Green Energy policy, which has sadly doomed the citizens of this province to have the highest electrical costs in North America." I would like to know what sources he can cite to support...

Reader: TMI Editor Trivialized Liberal Gas Plant Scandal

Letter to the Editor Editor, In your recent editorial, you did an impressive job of attempting to trivialize the Liberal gas plant scandal costs. Why not put a red sign in your office window? I wonder if you might see fit to put your “not important” dollar value spin on such items as the eHealth fiasco, the Ornge debacle, and the mind-boggling...

Meaford…Mighty Neighbourly

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, “The Other Big Apple” will be gone, and what will take its place? My family’s experiences in this area would suggest the following: “Meaford … mighty neighbourly”. Or possibly “Meaford … mighty, neighbourly”. We moved to Canada from Wisconsin just over three years ago. I am Canadian by birth and wanted both to “return home” and...

Lion’s Club Thanks Community

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I want to send out a sincere “thank you” to the neighbours in Meaford for the support they have given the Meaford Lions Club efforts in raising money for local charities. We had a very successful  Spaghetti Dinner and now I see that the town has replaced our wonderful ‘play boat’ at Raper’s Park. It...