Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Reader Questions Cell Tower Letter

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, There is something very fishy about this letter. Your correspondent is very eager for us to know all the places where he has trained as a ‘statistician and econometrician’. We are aware that those who practice those activities deal entirely with numbers; extracting and assembling relationships amongst them. What is really strange is that in his letter...

Reuse Fair Drop-Off Location Clarified

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Immediately after the TMI hit the newsstands Friday, April 11 , I received a call about the Reuse Fair. ‘Yes, I have things to share, but where do I bring them?’ was the question. Oh dear, in the information submitted to  your paper, did we forget to add that the items are to be dropped off at...

Lack of Truth in Political Ads

Letter to the Editor Editor, Susan Delacourt, formerly of The Globe and Mail and now a senior political writer for The Toronto Star, has written a book entitled Shopping For Votes in which she contrasts political advertising of a product vs. commercial advertising. Advertising Standards Canada states, “Advertisements must not unfairly, discredit, disparage, or attack one or more products, services, advertisements,...

Reader Offers Personal Experience With Cell Towers

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, My name is Arthur Lake and I live too close to a Bell cell tower at Southcott Pines in Grand Bend. My experience is not encouraging. A cell tower is a huge investment that completely overwhelms the ability of local residents to resist as an isolated community effort. The amount of money yielded from this...

Council Should go Back to the Drawing Board on Policing

Letter to the Editor Editor, No wonder the Municipality of Meaford council is in a dilemma over the choice of policing for this municipality. The whole process was flawed from the beginning and remains so. What is required is a response to a Request For a Proposal on policing, ie. an RFP. By writing their own requirements in an RFP the Meaford...

Reader Shares Thoughts on Infrastructure

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, To use frozen water pipes as an example of ‘ageing infrastructure’ is not valid, in my view. Humans have a lifespan which edges upwards towards 100 years, which makes it difficult for us to form a realistic perception of the changes in climate which have occurred over the 6 billion or so years since our planet...

Reader Unable to Obtain Report from OS Police Chief

Letter to the Editor Editor, On Friday, March 21, 2014 the Meaford Independent posted and editorial by Mr. Stephen Vance.  In that editorial, Mr. Vance made mention of Chief Sornberger answering a question posed to him by a Meaford resident regarding whether or not a study had been conducted to assure there was adequate police radio signal strength across the entire...

MACA Expresses Concern About Proposed Cell Tower

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, It has just come to the attention of the Meaford Area Community Association (MACA) that there is a proposal in place for a Microwave Cell Tower to be erected at 71 Edwin Street East in Meaford by Rogers Communications. This location is approximately 150m, as the crow flies, from Georgian Bay Secondary School (GBSS), and in...

Reader Concerned About Proposed Cell Tower

Letter to the Editor Editor, I was enlightened to read Jim McPhersons' letter regarding the upcoming changes afforded to Municipalities vis-a-vis the placement of cell towers within residential areas. While the rumour has been out there for quite some time about a proposed Rogers' tower on land leased by Knights Hardware, there has been no proactive information coming from Council that I...

Reader Responds to Letter Concerning Municipal Name

Letter to the Editor Editor, In response to our letter concerning the Municipal name,  R. Paul Kneeshaw of Kitchener misses the point by a league and a half. His paean of effusive praise to Meaford, the town, may, or may not be warranted, but no one is out to relieve the town of Meaford of its original incorporated name. The town...