Friday, March 14, 2025


A Thank You From the Golden Town Outreach

Letter to the Editor Editor, On behalf of the Golden Town Outreach, many thanks to all the dedicated, compassionate volunteers that are part of everything that we offer. From those who help with the food bank, to those who help with the community gardens, cooking classes and Second Harvests program, our community benefits from the work you do. I also extend...

Thoughts on Rural Issues

Letter to the Editor Editor, The recent TMI editorial advising council to take rural Meaford concerns seriously made many valid points and observations. I would like to comment on these in simple point form: “Lacklustre attendance at budget public review meetings” poor weather terrible communications for rural residents who get their news from Owen Sound media night driving a big deal for retirees farmers too busy “Great...

‘MOM’ Issues

Letter to the Editor Dear Sir, This has been a really bad winter weather-wise and it is obvious that the usually perceptive brains in MOM (Municipality of Meaford) are not fully awake. The KISS (keep it simple stupid) principle appears to be no longer used especially when discussing our local library and high school. Firstly, the library and the high school are...

Miller Should be Applauded

Letter to the Editor Dear Mr Vance, You are wrong. Larry Miller should be applauded for his standing up for his views and the views of many Canadians. People leave their countries' to come to Canada for a variety of reasons. Yes, we have and will continue to welcome immigrants with open arms IF they are intending to be contributing citizens of our...

It’s Time We Learned About Those We Fear

Letter Editor, It is time we tried to understand each other instead of being suspicious. Maybe we just see in strangers what we fear in ourselves. Immigrants bring new concepts and have since there were immigrants. My husband had to train himself to lose his accent because of the bigotry against the Scots in 1956.  There used to be an expression that...

Where Was Tory Concern About Identity When Police Wore Face Shields and Removed Their Name Tags While Trampling on Canadian Rights?

Letter to the Editor Mr. Editor, Your immediate and direct critique of MP Miller's recent radio response to a listener was most appropriate. You were probably the first of many commentators and journalists across this nation to take exception to the twisted mindset of the Larry Miller Conservatives. Unfortunately, there are far too many in our population who agree with Miller's...

Liberal Candidate Reacts to Miller Comments

Letter to the Editor Editor, Recent comments made by Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MP Larry Miller regarding traditional face coverings serve to underline the disconnect between the Harper Government and Canadian citizens. Miller, in remarks on an open line radio show, commented that, “If you’re not willing to show your face…if you don’t want to do that, stay the hell where you came...

Reader Reacts to MP Miller’s Comments

Letter to the Editor Editor, the following letter has been sent to Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MP, Larry Miller Larry, In the last year on at least two occasions you have revealed to your constituents that you are not a strong proponent of Canada's laws on religious freedom or our charter of rights and freedoms. Surely you know that religious freedoms and human rights are protections...

Protesting Bill C-51

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Recently I attended a citizen’s protest in Owen Sound against the passing of Bill C- 51, “An Act to enact the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act and the Secure Air Travel Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and to make related...

Thoughts on Sydenham Separatist Movement

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, The members of the so-called Sydenham Independence Group seem to believe that there is a currently existing legal procedure called a Petition of Right that derives from the 1628 petition submitted by Parliament to Charles I. According to them, it seems that all that is necessary for Sydenham to secede from Meaford is that...