Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Former Green Candidate Suggests Strategic Vote For Liberal Love

Letter to the Editor


Strategic Voting should we have to? Answer: No. Strategic Voting do we need to? Answer: Yes.

You have the opportunity to be part of a team; a team of regular citizens like myself, who want our country back and who have the power to send a message to Stephen Harper. You are part of the 61% of voters who have been unrepresented in this country for the past decade. Are you unsure of where to place your vote, but certain you don’t want to see Harper in another term as Prime Minister?

LeadNow an independent crowd-funded organization, has recently released the results of an independent poll that was conducted by Environics, a recognized poll service provider. The intent of this poll was to show undecided voters which progressive candidate was ahead in ridings determined to be swing ridings across Canada. Bruce-Grey Owen Sound is now considered a swing riding. The local results of the poll show Kimberley Love, the federal Liberal candidate in a considerable lead ahead of the other progressive parties in this riding.

My story is that I have spent the last five plus years working towards putting my name forward to be the Green candidate in this riding for this federal election. It was a huge decision for me to make personally, but for this election, I decided to not to put my name forward…in effect, I stood down before I stood up. My reasons? I didn’t want to feel the crushing weight of responsibility knowing that I had contributed to vote splitting that allowed Harper to have this riding again. This election is a tipping point in Canadian electoral history. This is the election where Canadians assert that the past decade of corporate greed, contempt of the democracy and endless deception has to end.

How can you as one voter make a difference?

I willingly gave up my chance for candidacy for the ‘greater good’ because I have kept a clear goal in mind …that is to unseat Stephen Harper. To that end, I am actively putting *all* my efforts behind the campaign of the candidate that I not only trust to listen to my viewpoints, but who I believe has the best chance of winning this riding…that is Kimberley Love, the federal Liberal candidate for Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound.

I am asking you to join me and to place your strategic vote with Kimberley Love in this riding. One less seat for Stephen Harper is one step closer to a win for the majority of voters. I have made a commitment to work together this election – let’s you and I make a commitment to #VoteTogether. #LoveKimVoteTogether

With Respect,

Lynn Morgan

Former Green Candidate Nominee 2008

Former Green Co-President BGOS Electoral District Association

Former LeadNow Representative Owen Sound

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