Friday, July 26, 2024


Reader Responds to Recent Pumped Storage Letter

Dear Editor, In response to Bruce Mason’s April 25th letter, it is quite astounding how little homework he does before writing letters to the editor. He seems to believe that everything TC Energy (TCE) says is the gospel truth and everything anyone else says is false, including the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), who has more knowledge about these matters...

A Salute to a Road Warrior

Editor, Each morning, my wife and I drive our children to GBCS from west of Meaford. We then get our coffees from the friendly folks at Tim Hortons and drive home. Almost every morning as we leave town, we pass by a road warrior. This road warrior marches on Hwy 12 as you exit Meaford. Rain, sleet, snow or sunshine, this...

Reader Agrees That Meaford Needs Food Trucks

Reading the May 2nd issue of the Meaford Independent (my birthday btw) a couple of articles caught my attention: Squirrel Proof - those dastardly Sciuridae and their bird feeder robbing habits, but the story left me hanging: What was his answer? Agree with the editor in this week's Rants (The 3Rs...Rants, Raves & Rumours, May 2 print edition): Food Trucks. How...

Reader: Pumped Storage Costs Outweigh Benefits

Dear Editor, An April 25 letter questions why several Georgian Bay area municipal councils have claimed that TC Energy's proposal for pumped storage would be a "bad financial deal" for Ontario and that "no one in the entire world knows the financial details yet." In fact, it is well known that Ontario's Independent Electricity System Operator has twice evaluated the proposal...

Reader Concerned About Pumped Storage Proposal

Editor. I have read with increasing concern about some letters to TMI re the TCE project. At times the tone has been harsh and even insulting, and I believe that Meaford has no room for this. The overall debate is over the facts (benefits and perils of the project), and it has become clear that the only fact is that...

TC Energy Responds to Recent Letters

Dear Editor, I would like to respond to two letters from April 25. To begin, I will address Nick Furguel’s questions, the first one asking who is paying for this Project. TC Energy and Saugeen Ojibway would share responsibility to build the Project and put it into operation. Once operating, the Project is expected to receive payments via a cost-of-service structure...

More Thoughts on Bill 165

Dear Editor, This is regarding the April 18th letter Enbridge responds. I disagree with the interpretation of Leanne McNaughton, Supervisor with Enbridge Gas in her recent letter. The Ontario Energy Board made the statements that Melissa Tervit summarized in her April 5, 2024 letter titled “Thoughts about Bill 165”. In the Ontario Energy Board eb-2022-0200 Decision and Order dated December 21,...

A Lawyer’s Thoughts on Bill 165

Editor, I read with interest the letter from Meaford resident Melissa Tervit (April 4) on Bill 165 and the response from Enbridge Gas (April 18). As a lawyer who acted in the Ontario Energy Board proceeding that Bill 165 will overturn, I can confirm that Ms. Tervit is correct and Enbridge Gas is wrong. Enbridge says that Ms. Tervit is sharing...

Appreciation For Entertainment at Meaford Hall

Hello, I am writing this note to express my appreciation of the great entertainment being provided by Meaford Hall. I also would like to comment on an incident which happened during a recent performance. The performing artists for April 25, 2024, were the Great Lake Swimmers, with special guest Melissa Payne. The Great Lake Swimmers' performance exceeded my expectations. Their combination of...

Concern About Toxins and Buried Munitions

Dear Editor, According to the Owen Sound Sun-Times March 26, TC Energy has moved the site for its proposed 375-acre reservoir on the Meaford "Tank Range" two kilometres, to a location less contaminated with buried munitions and toxic chemicals. No doubt Meaford's Council is aware of this and where the reservoir is to be moved to. When will it share that information,...