Monday, March 3, 2025


Thoughts on OPS Benefits for Meaford, SON, Georgian Bay, & Ontario

Editor, We all face many practical issues: CO2 pollution that is a major contributor to climate change and extreme weather Protecting our environment Maintaining our infrastructure to enable affordable housing Jobs, housing, health care, education Transition from gas and diesel vehicles to electric vehicles Transition to fully renewable energy sources for the electric grid High cost of living Taxes Our council...

Reader Offers Thoughts on Local Candidates in Provincial Election

Dear Editor, Our PC candidate has shown us how inaccessible the PC government is. He did not even have the decency to appear at the all candidate’s meeting on Health Care! Why is he avoiding us? Because he would have to answer for how his party is harming us. The PC government has shown time and time again that they are...

Reader Offers Thoughts on Provincial Election

Editor, I voted this week. I went in the wrong door at the former Edwards building. Gave me a full picture of the logistics of running an election. In addition to the many workers in the voting area, a massive room full of material for each poll in Bruce Grey Owen Sound was being sorted by more paid staff. Multiplying the costs...

Reader Files Complaint With Auditor General Regarding Pumped Storage Proposal

Editor, In response to the recently announced $285 million pre-development gift to the TCE/SON proposed pump storage development in Meaford I complained to the Auditor General that if action had been taken as previously requested by myself that this payment authorized by Minister of Energy Lecce would have been deemed a fraud on the taxpayer. The project has obviously better and...

Tariffs Are a Tax on Consumers

Editor, Regarding the letter 'President Trump Has United Canadians', yes, Trump has United Canadians. Now will we get rid of the tariffs charged on goods transported between provinces. Maybe fund our military more. The letter writer says: "In my opinion, his tariffs would be a small price to pay to avoid becoming a US state and having to deal with the...

Be Visible in Winter Weather

Dear Editor, My Public Service Announcement. A winter driving issue that has concerned me for many years is the need for vehicles to have their rear lights on during poor visibility. This winter has shown us that when we have snow squalls and high winds that create whiteouts, these conditions emphasize the need to be seen. Front driving lights have been...

Popular this week

Reader Not in Favour of Pumped Storage Proposal

Editor, For years now several contributors, myself included, have tried to reveal the consequences of allowing TC Energy to build their Pumped Storage Project on our DND lands (on our escarpment). We have not attacked or tried to embarrass those who showed support for the project: we just tried to advance more facts. Unlike the actions of our esteemed TCE...

Reader Delighted That We Will be Getting Facts About Pumped Storage Proposal

Dear Editor, I don’t consider myself short-tempered. But I am plenty angry right now. Everyone in Meaford and Ontario should be delighted that we will be getting the facts about the Meaford Pumped Storage proposal. At last. No more lies. No more imaginary “concerns” with no proof. “The funding will support critical studies, including a detailed cost estimate and various environmental assessments.” We...

Pumped Storage Project Will Require Significant Volume of Material to be Extracted

Editor, In Jim Hepple’s recent letter to the editor, he questions my assertion that 20 million cubic meters of material will be extracted from the tank range to create the 375 acre (152 Hectares) reservoir. I’m no engineer, but it seems to me that an equal quantity of Overburden and limestone will have to be dug, and blasted out of the...

It’s Important to Research Before Voting

Editor, As you know, the provincial elections are coming up. But before you vote, you have an important job to do. RESEARCH. Voting is not about who you voted for before. Or who your father always voted for. Or what your personal community recommends. That’s a lazy way to stake your claim in democracy. You must make up your own mind...

Reader Calls For Removal of American Flag From Municipal Flag Pole

Editor, The following message was sent to Meaford Council Feb 3rd: Within the context of the insults and disrespect towards Canada by our former friend - America, I strongly urge the Municipality to immediately remove the American flag from the flagpole outside Meaford Hall. Its continued display is like poking Canadians and Meafordites in the eye. Robert Foster, Meaford

Thoughts on Province’s $200 Rebate Cheques

Dear Editor, Many of my friends and colleagues have received unsolicited funds. The amount is curious as everyone is receiving the same amount. Circulating in many circles are rumours saying that everyone in Ontario will receive a cheque in the amount of $200. In a world of fraud, scams and general greed my first response is to treat this scheme...

Reader: $285 Million For Estimating Costs is Outrageous

Dear Editor, TC Energy just scored $285 million of Ontario taxpayers' money, ostensibly to underwrite its efforts to estimate the costs of its proposed $7-billion pumped storage plant here in Meaford, and to carry out an environmental assessment. You’d think that an Alberta company with a market value of more than $65 billion would be able to do what other...

Resurrecting the Ugly American

Mr. Editor, The iconic book, The Ugly American, published in 1958 became popularized such that Google defines the expression as “a stereotype depicting American citizens as arbitrary, loud, arrogant, self-absorbed, demeaning, thoughtless, ignorant and ethnocentric”. It seems high time to resurrect this expression with reference to Donald Trump. Sincerely, Mark Palmer, Meaford  

Concern About Municipal Hiring Practices

Mr. Editor, In your Opinion piece of January 30th, you raised the issue of improper hiring practices within the Municipality of Meaford. You reported that the now former fire chief was the spouse of the now former CAO, a fact that raised the eyebrows of some in that it was in conflict with municipal hiring policy, which states that no...

Confessions Of A Climate Denier?

Editor, Am I a climate denier? Probably. I love that I can flip a switch or turn a tap, and presto, on come the lights and out comes the water. I love that paper cups and plates serve me food and drink, and I don’t have to clean up. And I love that I can travel by air to the...