Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Discover Curling & Meet New Friends at the Meaford Curling Club

Discover Curling & Meet New Friends at the Meaford Curling ClubWhen Wenda Recoskie signed up for curling three years ago she was new to Meaford, new to the Meaford Curling Club, in fact new to the sport, and she instantly liked what she saw.

There I was new to the community and I met the most amazing people,” she said. “Not only did the Meaford Club introduce me to the sport, it introduced me to a warm and welcoming community.”

Wenda finds curling with seniors and in the women’s league particularly welcoming.

They are super helpful and knowledgeable, like walking dictionaries,” she said. “I typically play lead or second, but I have been invited to play vice. The women wanted me to see the game from other than the hack.”

Wenda credits the Meaford Curling Club for keeping the sport alive and well. Youth, beginner curlers, people with disabilities, seniors – the club has a way of accommodating everyone. It has affordable registration fees, lessons, one-on-one coaching, and special equipment to make sure everyone can stay in the game.

I see that Meaford really embraces curling,” she said. “I see older teens curling with the mixed leagues, moms and daughters curling together, the youth programs, school groups, seniors, competitive curlers, and the club’s curling sticks and stabilizers put to good use, and Special Olympian curlers practising once a week with club volunteers providing the valued service that makes our club successful.

I am proud of the Meaford Curling Club. It’s a community that encompasses our youth, Special Olympians, and seniors. I am proud to be part of such a community-minded organization.”

Wenda assumed the role of the club’s director of promotions and advertising this year. She is one of 11 directors. The club dates back to 1876 and now has a membership of more than 200 curlers. It offers several options for its members to curl recreationally and/or competitively, in leagues, jitneys, and club bonspiels. The 2018-19 fees ranged from $80 for juniors to $305 with special fees for one-draw registration and for novice curlers.

For more information and to view the club’s 2018-19 photo gallery, visit

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