Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Thinking of Your Golf Swing

Thinking of Your Golf SwingThere are three keys to improving your golf game this season. The first involves devoting more time to working on your game. The majority of golfers spend most of their time playing golf and rarely devote time to practising.

Practising should involve warming up before each round and scheduling practise sessions between rounds. Practise will help you build a more consistent repeatable swing and instruction will help you to improve your shot making and eliminate flaws in your swing.

The second key involves having confidence in your game. If you know your strengths and weaknesses and can play within your physical limitations, confidence will come. Self-doubt is not a good thing in any sport, especially golf. Mistakes are often made during a round when you second guess yourself and make bad decisions. Great players always explore their options before each shot and are confident of the outcome. They commit to the each shot 100% and are usually successful with each shot. If you factor in the elements around you before each shot and select the right club, then you should always feel confident of the outcome.

The third key to playing better golf this season involves developing a pre-swing routine for every shot. A pre-swing routine allows you to systematically go through a standard checklist before you execute each shot. If you follow that routine before every shot on the golf course, then you can actually eliminate thinking while you swing. The practise range is where you develop your pre-swing routine and you should develop a specific routine for every type of shot. This includes what you do before you swing your driver, right down to what you do before each putt. To execute great shots all you need to do is select a target, pick the right club and be relaxed while you swing. It may sound crazy, but to play your best golf this season you need to be ‘unconscious’ when you swing.

Thinking while you are swinging can have a paralyzing effect on the outcome of your swing. When your mind is free of too many thoughts then you will eliminate tension from your swing.

If you wish to improve your game this season then change your approach and how you prepare for every shot and round you play.

Next Week: Back to Basics

Cameron Burechails (Teaching Professional), The Georgian Bay Golf Academy at Meaford Golf Club (705)441-0865, baygolfacademy@bell.net or www.baygolfacademy.com.

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