Thursday, March 6, 2025

Too Busy to Be Better

Too Busy to Be BetterProfessional athletes all understand that the more time that they put into their games, their conditioning, and their practise time, the better that they can perform. When you play a sport for a living you have to dedicate yourself to working hard every day, if you want to be successful.

There are many factors that can influence how much time you can spend working on your golf game. Physical issues, willingness to practise, and time all can influence how much you practise and play this season. The weather can also have an effect on how much time you spend at the golf course.

We all have busy lives, and both work and family usually take up most of our valuable time. Whatever time is left over is usually spent pursuing hobbies, relaxing, vacationing, and even playing recreational sports. Unfortunately, if time is limited in your life then there might simply not be enough of it to do the things you want to do. If you are a golfer then that might mean you have less time to spend on the course with your family and your friends.

This season will have to go down as the summer that wasn’t. Weather that is usually expected to be sunny and warm has been cool and wet. Not only have the number of rounds decreased for most golfers this season, but practise time has been eliminated by day after day of rain!

I too have also had to change my schedule this season to accommodate the weather. A regular seven-day week has been reduced to a four-day week because of all the rain. The amount of time left to practise and play has been reduced from what I am normally used to. Even though I still make sure that I warm up and prepare properly before each round, I know that my game could be better with additional practise sessions.

A typical golf season in Canada is usually between five or six months in length. In 2009 the season started off much like this one. The spring was one of the wettest ones on record and the start of the season was delayed until the end of May. The fall however provided us with some of the best weather of the season. I was able to set a personal best by playing four consecutive rounds of golf on four different courses in Ontario in November.

Now that the weather is finally improving, it is time for all of us to get back on the golf course. Get out practise and play as much as you can. The kids will soon be back in school, which means that you will have a bit more ‘me time’, and an opportunity to get a few more rounds under your belt.

Work on improving your game this fall, so that you are ready for both your winter vacation and the 2018 season!

Next Week: When to Buy New Clubs

Cameron Burechails (Teaching Professional), The Georgian Bay Golf Academy at Meaford Golf Club (705)441-0865, or

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