Wednesday, March 12, 2025

GBCS Grade 11 & 12 Fashion Classes Host Red Carpet Show


GBCS Grade 11 & 12 Fashion Classes Host Red Carpet ShowOn December 9, Georgian Bay Community School held their first Fashion Show. The event took place in the school cafeteria, which was transformed into an elegant and professional Red Carpet event.

Connor Almond and Sophie Harrison were the Grade 12 fashion show producers and MCs for the night. The first round of models fashioned the Grade 12 class reuse/redesign outfits.

The material for these garments came from the BVO in Thornbury. The fashion teacher, Paula Almond, collaborated with Melri Wright, the BVO Volunteer Coordinator, in October. The entire class travelled to Thornbury to find clothing to redesign into fabulous outfits.

The most dramatic outfit was Vael Jack’s black dress with red crinoline and twinkle lights sewn into the hem. The second line of models were the Grade 11 students fashioning their own reuse/redesign outfit or pajama bottoms. Fabulous struts by Keegan Seddon, Natalie MacDonald, Lilly Smith, Ruth James, and Olivia Almond. The third and final line of models were the Grade 12s again modelling an original design. Beautiful work by Lauren Eddy, Meg Firstbrook, and Marilyn Storrey.

What a wonderful night,” said organizers. “Thank you to all the students that worked so hard to put on this small show with great big heart. Other school groups that supported the fashion show night include the Photography Club and the Sound and Lighting Crew.”

Check out this week’s print edition of The Meaford Independent to see photos of the event by by Pablo Padavila Romero and Natalia Heinke

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