Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Reader Has Big Hopes For President Trump

Letter to the Editor


Interesting that a couple of your wish list items are somewhat connected by the LEFT’s absolute belief that CO2 is a pollutant. Our Provincial liberals have dedicated a decade to de-industrializing Ontario by scaring the citizens about AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming).

Their twisted ideology has pushed us into an unsustainable ‘sustainable’ energy policy. Liberal math says that we should pay anywhere from 20 cents to 80 cents a kw. for electricity produced by wind/solar whereas the old reliables of gas/oil/nuclear/coal can do it for under 10 cents a kw. They have demonized CO2 as being responsible for every weather anomaly and fail to accurately explain that climate, weather, and pollution are not the same thing.

Both our Federal and Provincial liberals believe in a low carbon future, a future where we do not use hydrocarbon fuels. This ideology will put everyone in the poor house except for our liberal betters. This ideology filters down into our municipality through Official Plans and building codes full of green initiatives which drive up the costs of housing. The left always claims they are the ones who are for the middle class and those poorer but their deviant policies drive up the cost of living on those least able to cope. And, to top it all off, we are about to get BOTH provincial and federal carbon taxes imposed on us.

President Trump has organized a truly professional cabinet and it signals that the U.S. economy will be the priority. Being our largest trading partner, this is great. The Trump presidency will get rid of all the red and green tape which is strangling productivity and innovation. The EPA will be neutered and the U.S. energy policy will be hydrocarbon based. The down side for us economically is that U.S. growth will demonstrate how truly pathetic our leadership is. We could easily be energy independent. We will be lucky if our dollar stays above 70 cents U.S., but, to some, the low dollar will be our only competitive advantage . When it comes to deal making, Trudeau vs Trump , no contest!

Your wish is that someone/something will keep President Trump in check, my wish is that President Trump will keep our left wing governments in check.

Merry Christmas

Ray McHugh, Sydenham

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