Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Resident of Eastern Meaford Wants Solution to OSNGUPL-MPL Contract Impasse

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

At the September 22 Owen Sound and North Grey Union public Library (OSNGUPL) board meeting, a contract offer was presented to the MOM (Municipality of Meaford) library board. This offer of FULL library membership to ALL of MOMs residents, which include 4,022 MOM cardholders, for a period of two years at an annual average cost of $125,250 was rejected by the Meaford board.

This was and is a bad decision which should be reversed because of the tremendous benefits and opportunities lost to all taxpayers, for example:

Over 100 Meaford kids bused to school in Owen Sound can have the same benefits as their Owen Sound schoolmates;

A third library facility becomes available for use when the Thornbury library is closed for roof repairs and the Meaford library is closed for the day;

A greater selection of materials, programs and services becomes available – open 25 hours longer per week.

These are just a few benefits but we must also consider the new opportunities. With help from our Deputy Mayor and the Grey County Warden, we can explore the chance to have a county wide Library system resulting in greater services, materials and economies of scale. Everyone can benefit and at a lower cost. We will have time to actually explore what is needed in the new facility to be built in Meaford.

Our library board can take time to develop a sensible realistic plan for a multi purpose building to house a new library, the museum and an adult learning centre that will meet the needs or our ageing population. There is no reason why private investment cannot partner in a bold new ‘hub’ style venture that will be of economic benefit to all taxpayers.

David Long -Eastern Meaford

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