Friday, January 10, 2025

Interactive Exhibit at GBCS For Black History Month


Interactive Exhibit at GBCS For Black History MonthGeorgian Bay Community School has been recognizing Black History Month by creating an interactive installation in the hallways of the school. The project consists of a timeline that spans from 2,000 BCE to the present day.

The timeline begins (at the beginning of February) as just a rough sketch of history with a few key elements marked across the span of time for context: ancient civilizations in Africa, the emergence of Colonialism, the Atlantic Slave Trade, the Underground Railroad, the American Civil Rights Movement.

s the month progresses, teachers and students are encouraged to make contributions to the Timeline. It can be almost anything, really: an individual, a specific accomplishment, a notable event, a moment in their own lives that taught them something about the history of Black people in Canada. If every person at the school contributes one thing to the Timeline, there will inevitably be an increase in the collective awareness of these vital histories. We are trying to focus primarily on Canadian Black Histories–particularly in the contemporary portion, but folks are welcome to add whatever inspires them.

This is the second year for the installation. You can view a slideshow by visiting:

The school also welcomes contributions to the Black History Timeline by members of the community, whether they have a relationship to the school or not.

There will be a Black History Month Celebration at GBCS on February 24. Three accomplished young artists of colour will be travelling to Meaford to perform at the event alongside a contemporary ballet dancer who currently lives in Meaford.

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