Friday, March 14, 2025

Treat Yourself to a Car Wash on Christmas Day & Help Neighbours in Need

If you are planning on a car wash over the holiday season, why not on Christmas Day when part of the proceeds of your car wash will go to help local residents in need.

Amandeep, owner of Esso and Pizza Pizza at 333 Sykes Street South in Meaford, has earmarked Christmas Day for his third benefit car wash with $5 of the proceeds of each car wash going to the Meaford Food Bank.

It’s a good day to help other people,” Amandeep says. “I am just trying to help families in need. We need everyone’s support to make this charity event successful.”

The Esso car wash will be open on Christmas Day, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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