Monday, March 10, 2025

TMI Team Member Retires


Christmas saw me retire from a job I have loved for six years, namely my work at The Meaford Independent. This is a truly great local newspaper, and in this day of local news sources folding, we in the Meaford area are truly lucky we still have ours.

In my time there I have watched the staff tirelessly fight to keep TMI afloat, current, and truly local. The format has had to change during the pandemic. For example, there is no need for the ever popular Around Town when in fact nothing was happening.

Susanne and Stephen, co-owners of TMI, pour a lot of love, hard work, not to mention money into each edition.

I have learned much about our community, our council and our controversies during my tenure. I have been proud to be a part, albeit small part of the staff at TMI. You too should be proud of Meaford’s paper, proud enough to support its work the way it supports our Municipality.

I shall profoundly miss working at The Meaford Independent and all it does.


Elaine Burns, Meaford

Editor’s Note: Elaine will be missed indeed. Always enthusiastic and positive, her disposition stood in stark contrast to this cranky old scribe, and that was a good thing. Enjoy retirement Elaine, we’re thinking about you!

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