Monday, March 3, 2025

Thoughts About the Pending Federal Election


Justin should have left some time ago. One should always leave on a high note. He did what he could for middle class citizens and fighting climate change. It was never enough.

His biggest blunder was to fail on his promise of changing our voting system to ranked voting. First Past the Post is bad for a multi-party system that Canada has. I can’t forgive him for that.

Liberals have good candidates. They will pick one and go after Trump and Pierre Poilievre. The Cons are high in the polls because of relentless attacks on Trudeau. That could change when he is gone.

The Pierre Poilievre Cons have no policies except to fight climate change with an axe.

Pierre Poilievre is not an adult who could stand up against Trump.

The Cons are beholden to lowering taxes for big banks, big business, oil, coal, gas companies. Sadly, Pierre Poilievre can not cooperate with anyone. He attacks all the time. He does not have policies he can defend. He does not know how to defend or cooperate. I think he has no principles at all.

I worry that Pierre Poilievre Cons will weaken the health care system by privatizing it; that he will reduce taxes by weakening many social programs for low income citizens, pensioners, etc. He has never said he’d increase military spending as that is a very touchy subject for all Canadians who would rather spend tax $ on people, health and social issues than military.

I have rarely voted ‘for’ anyone. I find myself mostly voting ‘against’.

I will do that again with Pierre Poilievre.

Trump thinks Canadians would welcome being the next U.S. state. Does he get that from snowbirds visiting Florida?

There may be a few in Alberta that want to protect their tar sands revenue and no provincial taxes and would sign on with Trump. No one I know supports his crackpot idea. Canada has several political parties that are all united on pushing back on Trump.

Tariffs would be a cheap price to pay to avoid the political divisiveness, high U.S. crime rates, daily mass shootings, unaffordable health care, erosion of women’s rights, irrational gun laws, constant election cycles funded by billionaires, climate change denial, environmental destruction.

Canada is well prepared with lists of countervailing tariffs and arrangements to trade with other countries. The legacy auto industry would certainly be devastated temporarily by Trump, but that would drive faster EV adoption (a good thing!) There are many European and Asian manufacturers to choose from.

Maybe Canada would offer any state or territory that desires it, to become a province.

As a convicted felon, Trump would have a hard time getting across the border into Canada.

David MacDougall, Meaford


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