Thursday, March 13, 2025

Temporary Rotating Closures on Sykes Street North For Natural Gas Pipe Replacement

The construction work currently being completed along Sykes Street between Bayfield Street and Collingwood Street is a project by Enbridge (Union Gas) to replace the below ground natural gas pipelines along this section of Sykes Street North. Aecon has been contracted by Enbridge to complete the work and it is anticipated that gas main replacements will be completed in early May.

The work by Enbridge/Aecon will require temporary rotating closures of Collingwood Street, Parker Street, and Lombard Street beginning on Monday April 12, 2021.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the work, please contact Enbridge directly at 1-519-885-7400, extension 5067506.

The municipal project to fully reconstruct Sykes Street North between Bayfield Street and Collingwood Street is currently at the tender award stage, and construction is anticipated to begin in May of this year. Residents within the project area will be provided notices prior to construction with further details, which will also be posted online at<>.

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