Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Scarecrow Invasion And Family Festival’s 2023 Event Saved

The 2023 Scarecrow Invasion is back. Due to public outcry and individuals stepping up to assume key roles on the Executive and its committees, the Invasion can start planning for 2023.

According to Donna Earl, the Event Chair, “the Invasion may be smaller or look a bit different as it transitions to a more environmentally friendly event.”

There may be fewer scarecrows to reduce waste going to the landfill; more opportunities for businesses and residents to build, participate and compete in a “green” scarecrow competition; or other activities to encourage an environmentally friendly and sustainable event.

As part of our plans to be greener, a special committee headed by Christine Pompeo will look
at all options and help us determine the best way forward,” added Ms. Earl.

Beside Ms. Pompeo, as the Green Committee Chair, other members of the Executive and
Committee chairs include: Christine Bourne, Event Co-Chair; Kristie Hepburn, Treasurer &
Website Administrator; Cathy Walsh, Secretary & Children’s Activities Chair; Cindy Rees,
Decorating Chair; Bronwen Perry, Family Festival Chair; JD Moffat, Parade Chair; Gary
McWilliams, Promotion Chair; Audrey Dobie, Cornstalks Chair; Sherman Wood, Business
Competition Chair; and Valerie Crowe, Social Media Administrator.

As the planning progresses, any thoughts, input or interest regarding the ‘next phase’ of the Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival for 2023 and beyond, should be directed to

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