Sunday, March 9, 2025

Residents Deserve More Value From Policing Expenditure

Dear Editor,

Concerning your June 17 issue Rant (The 3Rs…Rants, Raves & Rumours, June 17, print paper) stating, “One of the comments I often hear is that we don’t have enough police presence in Meaford, and as I have written before, both the OPP and Council would no doubt be thrilled to provide increased policing, but at what cost?” Or, “How much more are those demanding increased police presence willing to pay for policing?”

You’re missing the point.

The average OPP salary is about $100K per year. Meaford’s municipal budget of $2 million or $2000K a year for policing therefore equates to approximately TWENTY (20) FULL TIME OPP OFFICERS.

Why therefore do we need to spend more to have an increase in policing? How about a little more presence for the 20 officers we ALREADY contribute compensation to?

Read that again. $2 Million is about 20 FULL TIME OFFICERS.

But, I rarely see one out here on Grey Road 12 monitoring the speeding cars, stunt drivers (come see the black tire marks on Sideroad 16 anytime, or the intersection at Bethesda/Oxmead), noise polluting poorly maintained cars, pickups, and tractor trailer trucks, ATV drivers and dirt bike drivers who likely have NO INSURANCE (who is checking?). Nor do I see one on Highway 26 on my weekly runs to Owen Sound, or other trips to Thornbury.

Why boil it down to having to spend more to get more, when really it’s about more for what we already spend.

But you also Ranted, “Thankfully Meaford is a very low crime municipality.”

I guess it’s all relative right? Meanwhile more issues of ‘Grey Bruce This Week’ include Meaford situated DUIs and other crime, not to mention in the recent past a murder, a couple of serious assaults.

It’s a fact that policing small infractions helps mitigate more serious crimes. Think pulling over a vehicle for an expired plate sticker or one headlight and then running the plate to see there is no insurance or unpaid speeding tickets etc, or ????

C’mon man, 20 police officers contributed to by Meaford Municipality…..let’s see more policing for what we already pay for as our population increases, new developments, increased traffic…

S.Bowie, Meaford


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