Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Reader’s Thoughts on Truth and Opinion

Dear Editor,

I try to avoid writing two weeks in a row. I doubt many of your readers lay awake at night thinking “Gee. I hope he has another thought this week too!”

But if I may, I’d like to respond to something to remind people that there is a big difference between having/sharing an opinion and spreading misinformation to further a personal goal.

Like all of us, Mr. Mike McTaggart is entitled to his opinion.

Just like the rest of us, he is not entitled to spread misleading stories because he would like something to happen.

Perhaps an example will help explain the difference.

1) There are a very small number of signs saying ‘Save Georgian Bay’ or ‘Stop TCE’s Pumped Storage Plant’ on display in Meaford. A few on private property. Too many of them are illegally posted on public property. In the worst cases, they are attached to trees and posts on public property with large lag bolts. Presumably to prevent their removal by citizens who disapprove of breaking the law. These signs are an eyesore. They are unnecessary sight pollution. They give a very bad impression of Meaford to both visitors and residents alike. Meaford Council should act to have them all removed immediately.

That’s an opinion. That is my opinion. Like everyone else, I am entitled to my opinion.

2) The signs saying ‘Save Georgian Bay’ or ‘Stop TCE’s Pumped Storage Plant’ on display in Meaford cause reduced academic performance in school children who are forced to see them daily. They lead to increased drug and alcohol abuse in Meaford. They suggest to certain people that Meaford residents are not very bright, and this has led directly to an increase in property crime and theft by the sorts of people hoping to take advantage of that. These signs have been linked to increased health risks at other places that allowed similar signs. Meaford Council should act to remove them immediately. Before more of our kids fail at school, all our stuff is stolen, and we all develop alcohol or drug problems. And die.

Those are just a series of lies. That’s not an opinion. That’s spreading misinformation to further a goal.

Both 1) and 2) support the removal of ugly sign pollution. But in case 2), repeating things like this over and over without providing one word of real proof would be disgraceful.

Let’s bring it back to the example of Mr. McTaggart (Sept. 12,2024) and his Save Georgian Bay teammates. As it applies to the TCE Pumped Storage Proposal.

1) “For reasons having nothing to do with threats to the environment, science, engineering, or business, I would personally be happier if Meaford Council somehow stopped the TCE Proposal from going ahead.”

Much like the example before, this would be an opinion. An opinion one should expect Mr. McTaggart and the other SGB members to hold. And they are all entitled to their own opinion. Just like I am.


2) A pumped storage facility destroys everything around it. Kills all the fish. Pollutes the drinking water. Permanently harms the environment. Makes the water warmer and so turbid you can’t see through it. They’re being built all over the world but they’re outdated technology – but that’s only true in Meaford. These things fail and kill everyone in the path of the failure. They end tourism. If the pumped storage proposal goes ahead in Meaford, you won’t recognize Meaford in ten years. Meaford Council must put a stop to this monstrous proposal.

These are all debunked scary tales and a series of lies without any truth to any of them. That’s a second example of spreading misinformation to further a goal.

In this example, both 1) and 2) advocate preventing a valuable green energy project from helping Ontario fight Climate Change. But once again, repeating things like 2) over and over without providing one word of real proof would be disgraceful.

I hope this helps explain the differences. And the similarities.

Bruce Mason, Meaford

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