Monday, March 10, 2025

Reader Scolds Editor For Being Rude

Mr. Vance,

I am responding to a comment you posted regarding a letter submitted by Charmain Green, local citizen of Meaford.

In that short paragraph, you assumed that everything was “provably false”. (I’m assuming you meant, “probably” ~ Editor’s Note: No, I did not mean probably, and I did not say ‘everything’)

That’s a very ignorant and irresponsible response considering you evidently don’t know anything about the information that she posted, hence your assumption that it was “false information”.

In her defence, since when is it your job to dictate and order people to do what you think is right for yourself. You know nothing about her personally and attacked and insulted her because you didn’t like what she had to say.

I suggest you do your job responsibly and do your homework, just the way she did before she posted the article. If you took the time you would be very surprised at what you would learn.

You my friend are rude and a danger to this paper. There’s no room for judgement here, but plenty of room for respect, kindness and education.

It’s up to the readers to make up their minds about the subject without your negative influence.

This kind of behaviour and discrimination has no place in our local paper. It lowers the standard.


Burgunde Papych, Meaford

Editor’s Note: I stand by my statement on the letter in question. Be Safe.

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