Monday, March 10, 2025

Reader Opposes Measures Taken to Slow Transmission of Virus

Dear Mr. Vance,

I read in the Independent last week (February 25 print edition, 3Rs…Rants, Raves & Rumours) that you suggested that donning a mask to enter a store isn’t really a big deal.

Actually it is a big deal. How much longer is the public supposed to bow to these extreme regulations?

Wearing a mask is not about a virus, as it has been long proven (scientifically) that the masks worn by people do nothing to protect from any virus. And actually can do a lot of harm. First, you are breathing in what your body is trying to get rid of, namely toxins, like carbon dioxide. You are blocking an important channel of elimination for the body. Limiting its ability to do its job of keeping things moving in the right direction. This can result in many health issues over time. And in fact is helping to destroy our immune function.

The wearing of masks is being used as a control mechanism. And it is working, everyone just follows along like sheep without asking questions or thinking about why? It is a way to keep people at a distance, it limits our understanding of what the other person is communicating if half their face is covered up. It is taking away any feelings we may have towards another person.

It is especially harmful for children. Young children are born with an innate immunity, the mask is unnecessary and again helping to destroy the immune function. It is also causing trauma to the child, they don’t know how to respond to a person if they can not see their face. They don’t know if you are serious, joking, mocking, sad or loving. It is unnatural! It is unnecessary! Why do you need to wear the mask even if you decide to get the vaccine?

Has anyone bothered to looked at the Canadian Charter of Rights? If you take the time to do so, you will notice that a number of our rights are being trampled on as we stand by and do nothing but follow along. Are you ready to give up your rights and how much of your freedom are you willing to forego?

People need to stop and think and start to ask questions. Questions about the “virus”, it is not worse than the flu. The numbers that everyone is listening to every day in mainstream media are also not understood by the average person.

It’s time to turn off the TV news and start to “think”. They talk about “cases” that are the result of a PCR test, A test that was never developed to diagnose any particular illness let alone COVID-19. It is being misused. The numbers are given out daily but don’t really tell us anything. They are a way again of controlling people, You control people by keeping them afraid and Uneducated. The numbers are going up every day, but how many are actually sick? How many are actually in hospital? How many are actually dyeing? Apparently the only deaths this last year have been COVID related! What does that mean? Did they actually die of COVID? What does COVID related mean? The actual number of deaths in the last year has not gone up in relation to the number of reported “cases”.

Some statistics from the Canadian Government: Do these numbers warrant such drastic measures?

Population of Canada. 37.59 Million People

Population of Ontario. 14.57 Million People

Overall “cases” Canada 877,000

Total COVID deaths Canada? 22,138

Overall ‘cases” Ontario 309,000

Total COVID deaths Ontario? 7,013

Those that died from COVID had underlying health issues. Why are so many older people dying? Could it be that in their 80’s + their immune system is compromised?

Now we are all supposed to rush to get a vaccine? A vaccine that has not gone the proper route of testing for efficacy and safety? A vaccine that will cause many side effects because of this.

A vaccine that will actually do more harm than good? Will you ask what is in the vaccine? Will you ask if there are any side effects from the vaccine?

So you ask, why is all this happening? Could it be that there is a great deal of money to be made? The Pharmaceutical industry stands to make millions, while at the same time killing or injuring millions of people. How come no one talks about natural inexpensive nutrients that can be taken to help support your immune system? Oh, wait, I forgot.

There is no money to be made from that! You can’t patent nature and therefore it is no good. You can’t make money with that.

Could it be that Some people just have too much money and want to make even more money? They have so much money that they are controlling those “WHO” implement all the rules that we are supposed to abide by? Since when has a pandemic ever destroyed the economy the way this one has?

It is time to think, ask questions and take off the mask!

Yours truly,

Charmain Green, Meaford

Editor’s Note: With respect, virtually every sentence of your letter is provably false, and utter nonsense. Lay off the conspiracy websites, put on a mask or stay home, and stop being so selfish. Be safe.

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