Sunday, March 9, 2025

Reader Offers Thoughts on Save Georgian Bay PAC


Recently I received a card from the Save Georgian Bay Political Action Committee. This triggered a ‘Popeye’ moment for me. PACs that ask for my money and all I get for it is signs, cards and a website filled with hyperbolic rhetoric, makes me very skeptical. It inspired me to write this rebuttal.

They have been at this for a few years now and have yet to convince a majority of people and town councillors to their cause. It seems to me that they think that if they repeat their questionable arguments loudly and often that people will believe them. That is a typical political tactic used by some politicians. It has not worked so far for a number of good reasons. Meaford citizens can think critically.

The SGBPAC have their story locked in the past, trying to keep things the same as when they grew up. They need to think about the future and what their kids and future generations will need. They need to accept change and take advantage of the opportunities that change provides.

Unlike SGB PAC and some politicians in Alberta and some on our council, most people can see that major disruptions in the energy sector are already underway. Fossil Fuel energy sources are being displaced by electrical sources.

A stable, flexible electrical grid, driven by renewable energy is an absolute must for future generations.

All major auto manufacturers have EVs in their lineup now. By 2030 it is estimated that 1,000,000 EVs will be on the road. At present, by 2035, under current government regulations, no more new internal combustion cars can be sold in Ontario.

People are being strongly encouraged by federal government incentives to improve the energy efficiency of their homes by replacing oil, gas, propane and wood with renewable electrical energy sources like solar panels and heat pumps, and using better insulation, LED lights, induction cooktops, etc.

Work and energy use patterns are changing. People’s entertainment and work are moving online as they are watching and working from home, commuting less.

All this is being driven by the need to reduce CO2 pollution in the atmosphere that is a major cause of global warming and extremes of weather.

The impacts of this energy disruption on Ontario’s electric grid are profound. We need more renewable energy sources, a more stable grid and increased generation capacity, especially at peak use times.

SGB concerns me about 2 major things.

The SGB PAC are a group just saying NO! They have not offered any plan or proposal that addresses Ontario future energy needs.

The SGB PAC seem not to understand about climate change. By blocking the pumped storage proposal and offering no credible alternative, they are extending the life of CO2 (gas) based peak power generators which pollute the atmosphere and exacerbate climate extremes. Can you see the old school oil executives smiling?

The SGBPAC sometimes point to grid battery technology but not anywhere near Meaford. They really don’t seem to have researched or thought this out. More on this in another letter.

They have not found any business to get behind their ideas and cost out a proposal to do this. By the way, asking the government to do this is just not feasible or desirable. All electrical energy providers in Ontario are businesses, not government funded. That situation exists for many good reasons.

You can not lead thru denial. Saying NO is not a solution.

David MacDougall, Meaford

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