Thursday, January 23, 2025

Re-branding of GBHS Seen as Wasteful


The letter below was sent to the recently re-branded Grey Bruce Health Services, now Brightshores Health System.

Dear Sir,

Re-branding you call it, or I say semantics, but I prefer to be cared for by a Health Service than a System. Who came up with the ridiculous name? Most of your service area is nowhere near a shore, bright or otherwise and the Walmart look alike is unbecoming.

Costs are well within our budget.” Please direct me to the exact line in the appropriate budget to see what you allocated and how much will be spent on T-shirts.

There is no additional cost to a name change vs a logo change.” Sounds like a financial miracle but I want to see these funds applied to equipment and services needed in our area.

It offends me that you ask the public to fund raise whilst you splurge unnecessarily.

It was time for a refresh.” Maybe, but when a “very traditional nuclear family” is counting its pennies it does not go out and order a new car.

Logic is defied when “confusion about South Bruce Grey (Health Centre) versus Grey Bruce (Health Services) versus Grey Bruce Public Health” needed to be distinguished and so became Brightshores for us all.

Bring attention to our organization,” but hopefully that is not the criteria influencing new recruits.

Will help individuals across the Grey Bruce region.” – not the Brightshores region that has no geographical significance.

Will keep our communities informed and engaged.” – this bombshell was dropped on us.

Brightshores “has also launched a research and innovation office” – could this not have been achieved as GBHS?

To witness the expenditure of funds generated by tax dollars from the community you serve squandered in this manner is both heartbreaking and infuriating.

Follow the Ontario Provincial Government lead regarding the Greenbelt Proposal, admit you are in error, reverse the decision and apologize.

Yours sincerely,

Laura Simmons, Meaford

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