Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Men’s Program Supporting Men in Grey Bruce

The Men’s Program of Grey Bruce is now accepting registrations for the September 2024 session of My Dad’s Group, with ongoing registrations for the Partner Assault Response (PAR) and Male Survivor programs.

For over two decades, the Men’s Program has been dedicated to supporting men in building social connections, developing relationship skills, reducing violence, and addressing childhood trauma. Despite this long history, many people remain unaware of the local supports available for men.

There’s still a lot of stigma around men reaching out for or needing support,” said Jon Farmer, Program Supervisor. “But men are human beings with all of the feelings and struggles that anyone experiences. And there are still old ways of thinking that suggest men solve everything by themselves or with aggression and violence. Our programs are here to support men who are ready to either address their own experiences of violence or who are trying to deal with relationships or parenting in healthier ways.”

The Men’s Program offers three core initiatives:

1. Partner Assault Response (PAR): This 12-session group program helps men examine and change beliefs that lead to violence in relationships. PAR addresses all forms of violence, including physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and financial. The program operates on a sliding scale fee, with sessions held in the evening in Owen Sound and Hanover. Thanks to funding from the United Way of Grey Bruce, men can self-refer by calling the Men’s Program at 519-372-2720.

2. My Dad’s Group: A positive parenting program for men with children in their lives. This 11-week program runs three times a year starting in September, January, and April. It covers the importance of men in children’s lives, childhood development stages, and contemporary parenting issues. My Dad’s Group is free, dinner is included, and registration for the September session is available through the Men’s Program website https://greybruce.cmha.ca/mens-program/.

3. Male Survivor Program: Provides free individual counselling for men who experienced sexual violence or assault as children or teens. Counselling can be done in person or virtually. Men seeking support can register by calling 519-372-2720 or emailing jfarmer@cmhagb.org.

Farmer emphasized the importance of supporting men in connecting with each other and accessing services like the Men’s Program. “In an ideal world we would all have friends and family members who could support us in difficult times, who would let us know if we’re out of line, and who would support us in working to be the best versions of ourselves. We don’t live in that world just yet, and for men in particular there can be a lot of pressure not to reach out or acknowledge when we need more people in our corner or more tools in our toolbox. The Men’s Program is here to offer that kind of support.”

For more in-depth program descriptions and additional resources, visit https://greybruce.cmha.ca/mens-program/

For more information about CMHA Grey Bruce and its programs, visit https://greybruce.cmha.ca.

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