Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Managing COVID-19 in Schools and Childcare Settings – Stay Home, Screening and Isolation Reminder

In order to help prevent a rise in COVID-19 infections, Public Health Grey Bruce says that it is important that we all continue to do our part to mitigate the potential spread of the virus. This includes screening, staying home if sick, being tested if you have COVID symptoms, and of course, getting vaccinated as soon as possible and eligible.

In order to reduce the spread of COVID-19, everyone must follow the provincial rules:

  • You must stay home if you have COVID-19 symptoms or are waiting for test results after experiencing symptoms.
  • Everyone in your household (unless they are fully vaccinated) must also stay home until you get a negative COVID-19 test result, or you are cleared by public health, or you are diagnosed with another illness.
    • When there is someone in the household that has COVID-19 symptoms, parents must not send unvaccinated children that are symptom-free to childcare, school or youth activities
  • Get a COVID-19 test at an Assessment Centre (not a rapid antigen test) if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or are a contact of a known COVID-19 case.

The health unit says that everyone who is eligible should be fully vaccinated as soon as possible. For an up to date vaccine clinic schedule and for more information about the COVID-19 vaccines in Grey and Bruce, please visit:

COVID-19 Vaccines (

Weekly_Vaccine_Schedule Oct 4 to Oct 17 (

Individuals that are unvaccinated are of the most susceptible to be infected with and transmit COVID-19 to others,” states Dr. Ian Arra, Grey Bruce Medical Officer of Health, “This becomes more significant for parents or guardians who can transmit the virus to their non-eligible and unvaccinated younger household and family members attending childcare and schools”.

For additional Information visit:

School and Childcare Screening Cheat Sheet

Schools and Childcare Centres (

COVID-19: Stop the spread |

COVID-19: health and safety measures at schools |

COVID-19: health and safety measures for child care |

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