Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Keeping the Ball Rolling

It has been a tough spring for golfers in Ontario. The season started early in April only to have our courses closed by the provincial government because of COVID.

Golfers are anxiously awaiting the news that golf can again be played in Ontario. When our courses do reopen it is important that everyone follows the protocols developed by all our local courses.

The golf industry has done a great job developing guidelines and procedures that will help ensure golf can continue to be played safely. Golf courses have had to limit access to their indoor facilities and reduce food and beverage service in order to comply with government regulations. Golf tournaments have all been cancelled and indoor social interaction has all but disappeared.

We have all learned to change the way the game is played. Tee times are more spread out and checking in at the Pro Shop has been carefully controlled to ensure safe social distancing.

The golf industry experienced significant growth in Canada in 2020. Everyone was eager to not only play, but also learn the game of golf. Families have been taking up the game in record numbers and golf courses have all benefited. It has been difficult to get tee times at many of our local courses because of the increase in interest in golf. This is great for an industry that has seen many declines in popularity in recent years.

This season will again be a busy one for the golf industry. When courses are allowed to reopen it is important that we continue to wear a mask when inside the clubhouse. Arrive at the course just before your tee time and maintain safe social distances when you play.

Vaccinations continue to be an important tool in stopping the spread of COVID in Canada. By the end of the summer most of our population will have been fully vaccinated and we can hopefully return to a more normal lifestyle.

So, let’s all enjoy the return of golf. Everyone continue to play safely and keep the ball rolling so that we can all play golf well into the month of October.

Next Week: Getting Your Kids into Golf

Cameron Burechails (Teaching Professional)

The Georgian Bay Golf Academy



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