Wednesday, February 5, 2025

How Much Did Meaford Councillors Earn in 2023?

The total cost to Meaford ratepayers for councillor remuneration, sundry expenses, and life insurance benefits in 2023 was $222,289, with regular council members each earning taxable remuneration of $25,363.68, while the Deputy Mayor received $31,782.12, and the Mayor earned $47,000.28.

As required by the Municipal Act, the annual statement of remuneration for Meaford’s members of council was publicly released in a report to Council during their March 11 meeting.

Section 284 of the Municipal Act requires that on or before March 31, the municipal Treasurer shall provide to the Council of the Municipality an itemized statement on remuneration and expenses paid in the previous year to each member of council in respect of his or her services as a member of council or any other body, including a local board. Further, the Treasurer is required to include each person appointed by the Municipality to serve as a member of any body, including local boards.

In 2023, a t0tal of $5,904 in remuneration was paid to the five citizen members of the Committee of Adjustment.

The full list of council remuneration in 2023 as released by the municipality is below:

Member Taxable Annual Remuneration Taxable Life Insurance Sundry Expenses Total
Ross Kentner $47,000.28 n/a n/a $47,000.28
Shirley Keaveney $31,782.12 $54.88 $2,857.90 $34,694.90
Steven Bartley $25,363.68 $82.32 $1,674.92 $27,120.92
Tony Bell $25,363.68 $82.32 $2,090.13 $27,536.13
Brandon Forder $25,363.68 $82.32 $4,508.03 $29,954.03
Harley Greenfield $25,363.68 n/a $2,182.59 $27,546.27
Robert Uhrig $25,363.68 $82.32 $2,990.95 $28,436.95
Total $205,600.80 $384.16 $16,304.52 $222,289.48

Councillor Brandon Forder noted that his sundry expenses were higher than other members of council due to his having attended two training programs offered by AMO (Association of Municipalities of Ontario), one of those geared toward new councillors, and the other focused on land use planning.

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