Saturday, September 7, 2024

Grey County Council Discusses Challenging 2024 Budget

Grey County Council has taken a first look at 2024 budget projections and are weighing options to bring the tax levy down. Council asked staff to prepare details about programs and support that is currently funded from the levy but isn’t required by legislation. This information was presented to Council at a special meeting on November 3. Council will now consider options leading up to two full-day budget workshops on December 8 and 15.

The 2024 budget will be one of the most challenging we’ve faced as costs continue to rise in all service areas. Council have important and difficult discussions ahead as we work together to establish 2024 service levels that meet the needs of our community at a cost that is affordable to our ratepayers,” said Grey County Warden Brian Milne.

In addition to accounting for service enhancements like the new cost of the new Rockwood Terrace long-term care home and investments in paramedic services to keep pace with population growth, pressures include continued inflation (particularly in construction), energy costs, insurance premiums and, necessary investments in infrastructure.

At the meeting on November 3, staff presented Council with several considerations to reduce the budget. These opportunities were categorized in three levels based on the estimated degree of impact on the community. Council also discussed matters relating to employee relations in closed session.  

The 2024 budget details will be presented to council next on December 8. Information will be posted to the Grey County website approximately one week prior to the meeting.


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