Thursday, March 13, 2025

Grey Bruce Priority Population Booking System Now Live and Vaccine for 60+

The Grey Bruce Health Unit has deployed the local vaccine booking system for eligible priority populations identified for Phase Two. Those who book using this system must be able to attest to meeting the eligibility requirements.

As well as certain identified priority populations, Phase Two of the Provincial Vaccine Distribution Framework, allows vaccinations for residents age 60 or older, born 1961 or earlier.

To access booking for both age and priority population visit Book an Appointment for a COVID-19 Vaccine (

The priority populations are in a sequence and at this time, only certain groups are eligible including:

·    All those who were eligible in Phase One

·    People who live and work in high-risk congregate settings

·    Individuals with highest risk and high-risk chronic conditions and their caregivers

Be advised, decision on vaccine eligibility can only be made by Public Health based on Provincial direction and ethical framework.

Any communication regarding booking of clinics in Grey and Bruce can only come from the Grey Bruce Health Unit or Ministry of Health. 

Those that do not have access to the online booking portal, please call: 1-833-421-1999, hours are Monday to Friday: 8 am – 7 pm; Saturday and Sunday 8 am to 4 pm. (Grey Bruce Community Connections).

For details of who will be getting the vaccine in the priority groups, please visit: Other Currently Eligible Groups (

The population that will be served first are, in condensed form (please review link above for detailed information):

·       High-Risk Congregate Living Settings

·       Individuals with Health Conditions (most severe first)

Highest-Risk Health Conditions:

•       Organ transplant recipients

•       Hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients

•       Neurological diseases in which respiratory function may be compromised (e.g.,

•       motor neuron disease, myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis)

•       Haematological malignancy diagnosed <1 year

•       Kidney disease eGFR< 30

High-Risk Health Conditions:

•       Obesity (BMI > 40)

•       Other treatments causing immunosuppression (e.g., chemotherapy, immunity weakening medications)

•       Intellectual or developmental disabilities (e.g., Down Syndrome)

Other groups listed in the larger Phase Two category will become eligible as the vaccine rollout continues. These include people with at risk (vs. highest and high risk) health conditions and essential workers who cannot work from home.

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