Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Grey Bruce OPP Welcomes New Detachment Commander

The Grey Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) welcomes a new Detachment Commander, Inspector Paul Richardson.

Inspector Richardson has been a member of the OPP for 21 years, serving as Detachment Commander of the former Bruce Peninsula OPP prior to the amalgamation between Grey and Bruce Counties. He has worked in many areas throughout his career, and he brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from these roles which have included: Crime, Street Crime, Frontline Supervisor, Operations Manager, Marine Operator, as well as time spent as the Operational Support Inspector at the OPP West Region Headquarters.

On top of assuming his role as Detachment Commander, Inspector Richardson continues to also serve provincially as a Critical Incident Commander, and Public Order Unit Commander.

“Words cannot express how happy I am to be back in Grey Bruce County. I look forward to again working with our many community partners, that day in and day out dedicate themselves to the public and communities they serve. Grey Bruce is a busy detachment area, and the officers that work here continue to demonstrate the highest level of professionalism. I am honoured to assume the role once again as Detachment Commander,” said Inspector Richardson.

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