Thursday, March 13, 2025

GBHU Declares COVID-19 Critical Threshold

The Grey Bruce Health Unit is declaring a critical threshold of COVID-19 cases in Grey Bruce, saying that “if we do not implement drastic measures at this juncture, the pandemic will spiral out of control.”

The Health Unit has identified over 70 new confirmed cases across Grey Bruce in the last thirty-six hours with the potential to generate hundreds of additional close contacts. The sources of transmission are identified as individuals not following lock-down with people visiting others when symptomatic as well as social gatherings and ‘bush parties’ by high school aged youth. The issue is worsened by individuals being untruthful to public health contact tracing and case management inquiries.

As the result of the increasing case numbers, our contact tracing and case management capacity is being stretched to its limit. Public health will redeploy staff from other programs, including the vaccine program and helpline, in order to support contact tracing and case management,” said the Health Unit.

The large vaccine clinic planned for Saturday will not be held. The vaccine clinics for the remainder of this week will continue, but consideration is being given to closing next week’s clinics in order to minimize the risk of people gathering as well as allowing public health staff to be redeployed. This will also result in the Infoline being shut down. The answers to most inquiries are on the website COVID-19 information. The Health Unit urges those with questions to review their website.

It may take us 2-3 days to reach everyone who is a case and complete managing their contacts,” the Health Unit advised. “We are asking the public to help. Everyone across Grey Bruce needs to consider themselves a carrier for the next 48 hours until we reach all case and their contacts. It is a priority that everyone stay at home except for essential travel. If contacted by public health, be prudent in following any direction that is given. This is in addition to the Provincial Stay-At-Home Order.”

A class action Order from the Medical Officer of Health will be issued to further reinforce the need for cases and close contacts to follow public health direction.        

Individuals who are symptomatic are asked to attend assessment clinics.


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