Thursday, January 23, 2025

Former Resident Has Fond Memories of Meaford


When my husband and I retired 19 years ago, we looked for a community away from the city in which to retire. Our search ended in Meaford, and we bought a home on Centre St. It was always our intention to become a part of whatever community we landed in.

It was through joining the curling club that we met Richard and Marilyn Morris. Marilyn introduced us to the Meaford Scarecrow Invasion, and it didn’t take long before we both became volunteers.

After more than 10 years of setting up and managing the volunteer database as well as communications, I have stepped down; the last three years having continued to volunteer from where I currently reside in Vineland. Sadly, with passing of my husband early 2020, I left Meaford.

If it wasn’t for Marilyn Morris, I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to have been a part of the Invasion. Marilyn was the driving force for over 20 years of this wonderful community event. Unfortunately, due to a serious medical condition, Marilyn left Meaford over a year ago. It is my hope that she will be remembered for her huge contribution to the community.

As Meaford continues to grow and change, I wish continued success to the Meaford Scarecrow Invasion. I will always have fond memories.

Trina Inglis, Vineland

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