Saturday, March 8, 2025

First Approval Given to Grey County’s 2024 Budget

Grey County Council has given first approval to the 2024 budget. After significant deliberations over five meetings, service levels have been set that will require a total operating and capital budget of $269 million. This amounts to an increase of 6.3%, or $69.28 for the average assessed single detached home in Grey County.

The 2024 budget maintains service levels across many County programs and invests in significant projects including the redevelopment of Rockwood Terrace, $30 million to support road construction, constructing a new EarlyON centre in Hanover, and takes the first steps towards building a new paramedic services base in Durham.

Some service levels have been reduced to lessen the necessary tax levy increase. County funding will be withdrawn for the Grey Transit Route and service levels will be reduced to align with funding from the Province’s Community Transportation Program. Some transfers to reserves for vehicles and heavy equipment were removed and the annual transfer to the healthcare initiatives reserve was reduced.

Several factors contribute the rising cost of the budget, including general inflation and construction inflation, rising insurance costs, utility costs, in-year decisions and more.

This has been one of the most challenging budgets at the County Council table in recent memory. Costs of everything are up and Council realizes everyone is feeling more pressure in their day-to-day expenses,” said Brian Milne, Grey County Warden. “We’ve had challenging discussions. I think we’ve struck a balance and landed in an affordable place for our communities.”

The Grey County budget supports the delivery of community services including three long-term care homes, early learning and child care, 998 units of Grey County housing and supports 550 units of non-profit housing, emergency shelter, and Ontario Works. Grey County supports businesses and entrepreneurs with economic development programs and services like the Business Enterprise Centre, and helps preserve local history and tell stories at Grey Roots Museum and Archives. Grey County Paramedics respond to thousands of calls for service and provide community care to patients in their homes and at clinics around the County. The transportation services department maintains more than 887km of roads and hundreds of bridges and large culverts.

Staff will revise the 2024 budget packages to reflect Council’s changes. A by-law to officially adopt the budget will be presented for Council’s consideration at the regular meeting of Council on January 11.

The draft 2024 budget details at Updated materials will be available on the County website prior to the meeting in January.

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